Entries from Elbert 1975-81 in Pollex-Online

Elbert, S. H. (1975-81). Dictionary of the Language of Rennell and Bellona. Copenhagen, The National Museum of Denmark.

Language Item Description
Rennellese Mahetua To sneeze
Rennellese Mahi Strong, vigorous
Rennellese Mahoa Cracked, as a canoe or eggs; smashed, blistered; to bump (as the head)
Rennellese Mahoata Morning
Rennellese Mahoga Spread out
Rennellese Mahu Freshly healed and scarred
Rennellese Mahu Bag of topped taro
Rennellese Mahu-toko (Mahu-toki), Mahu-gege Star names. Stars in milky way (Elbert 1965)
Rennellese Mahua To flock to eat berries (of birds); tree with flocks of birds;such flocks
Rennellese Mahuike Deity who causes earthquakes
Rennellese Mahuke Be untied, as string; opened up, as a book
Rennellese Mahuta Wake up
Rennellese Mahuti Be plucked (as a feather, hair)
Rennellese Manga Branch, to branch
Rennellese Magangahu Ashes, cinders, fireplace (met.)
Rennellese Magangaʔe Forehead
Rennellese Maagango Sweet, potable
Rennellese Mangamangaatai General name for starfishes (Asteroidea)
Rennellese Mangeo Itch, sore; be sexually titillated
Rennellese Mangoo General name for sharks
Rennellese Mangungu Hit against
Rennellese Mauʔi Break or fall off
Rennellese Mai Towards speaker
Rennellese Mai Give me, look here!
Rennellese Maiki/a Troubled, worried, to be, especially about welfare of others
Rennellese Maige (Alyxia acuminata), a fragrant vine
Rennellese Maʔine Enjoy
Rennellese Maʔito Some species of small surgeonfish, as black-spot surgeonfish (Acanthurus bariene) [Lesson]
Rennellese Maakaka Strong, vigorous
Rennellese Makaga Crackle, rattle, rumble, thunder, roar
Rennellese Maakagi A bush (Murraya crenulata)
Rennellese Makagigi Somewhat cold, as food
Rennellese Makago Go or come fast
Rennellese Maakau Trip someone else, as feet
Rennellese Maakau/nga Twist, bend (as in a path); curvature as of ear lobes
Rennellese Makau Enemy; be an enemy
Rennellese Makabaa Distance; to be a short distance away, nearby
Rennellese Maakeke Cold Problematic
Rennellese Maki Disfigured, blemished, invalided
Rennellese Makiga Retracted foreskin
Rennellese Mako Dance, dance-song, dance v
Rennellese Makuku Sound slightly, crackle, as bones when lifting something
Rennellese Makupuna Grandchild, descendant
Rennellese Maga/bu Large tree sp, Flacourtiaceae (?Caesaria sp.)
Rennellese Maga/kanae Tree sp. (Cordia subcordata)
Rennellese Maga/ko A kind of shrub (Ficus spp.) with edible berries and leaves
Rennellese Maga/maga Chips; be chopped to bits
Rennellese Haka/maga Cause unpleasantness Problematic
Rennellese Maga/i Set aside food before eating (believed to improve the taste
Rennellese Maʔaga Fallow garden