Entries from Elbert 1975-81 in Pollex-Online

Elbert, S. H. (1975-81). Dictionary of the Language of Rennell and Bellona. Copenhagen, The National Museum of Denmark.

Language Item Description
Rennellese Sina Name of a culture heroine
Rennellese Sinu(sinu) Greasy, fat, rich; shiny dark or blue, as tattooing, the dark oily fruits of geemugi , or a flat calm sea
Rennellese Sipa Small flying fish
Rennellese Sisi Nerita shells
Rennellese Sisi To slice; as meat, papayas, bread; to flay, as human skin to get bones...; to pry off, as bark with a stick; to snap off; twist and chop off, as meat from bones
Rennellese Sisi The two eyes in a coconut that are not opened for drinking
Rennellese Sii Make hissing or spurting sound
Rennellese Sibigi Yellow-bibbed Lory (Lorius chlorocercus)
Rennellese Soo Go, come, move. Used with directionals
Rennellese Soo/soo atu To move over or away just a little
Rennellese Soa Companion
Rennellese Songi Press noses, kiss
Rennellese Songo/ʔanga Sex organs
Rennellese Soi Uncultivated tuber, (Dioscorea bulbifera)
Rennellese Soi To side with, ally, show preference, be partial, defend physically
Rennellese Soka Pierce
Rennellese Faka/soko To hire, as work to be done...or as to kill and anemey, revenge; material hired out for preparation
Rennellese Soko tasi Independent, alone, separate
Rennellese Soko Alone, separate, special
Rennellese Soga Escape, leave, go away
Rennellese Sogo Come, go, move alongside; line up heaps, as of yams or taro; go aground, as whales
Rennellese Sogo Pudding of grated taro or kape [Alocasia] mixed with grated but not expressed coconut and baked in the oven
Rennellese Somo To slip away
Rennellese Somo Grow, as small new branches on tree
Rennellese Soni Cunt Borrowed
Rennellese Sopo Go in or out, appear, be born Problematic
Rennellese Sopo/sopo Bob up and down, as a canoe at sea
Rennellese Sopoʔanga Entering, coming, appearing, birth
Rennellese Sopo ake Come on, up, aboard
Rennellese Sopo atu Get out, as of a car
Rennellese Sopo manaba Be shocked, startled, frightened, scared
Rennellese Soopuu Be longer, taller, extend above
Rennellese Soosaʔa Be noisy, disturb, bother
Rennellese Suu Liquid
Rennellese Sua A ceremonial paddle; to travel far
Rennellese Lua Small paddle or stick used as a paddle; to paddle with such Problematic
Rennellese Suʔa To taste, especially to taste good
Rennellese Sue Kick gently with top of foot; toss off or away, drive away; be blown down or fall off, as banana flowers; throw, as horse throws rider Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rennellese Subego Rays of sun; lobster antennae
Rennellese Sui Change, replace, substitute for
Rennellese Suʔi To mix
Rennellese Suki Pierce, puncture, sting; plant (seeds or cuttings)...
Rennellese Sugu Insert, as a flower in hair, a stick in thatch
Rennellese Su/sugu Pale, white, light, blond Problematic
Rennellese Sumaagie Calm, peaceful, beneficient
Rennellese Sumu To lash
Rennellese Sumu Triggerfish
Rennellese Suni Make burn Problematic
Rennellese Lulunu Be seared, as pinfeathers, be burned, as a garden Phonologically Irregular
Rennellese Taa Hit, strike, kill