Entries from Feinberg 1977 in Pollex-Online
Feinberg, R. (1977). The Anutan language reconsidered: Lexicon and grammar of a Polynesian Outlier. New Haven, Human Relations Area Files Press.
Language | Item | Description |
Anuta | Mana | Father (term of address or kinship title) |
Anuta | Mana | Power; almighty |
Anuta | Manava/nava | Short of breath |
Anuta | Ma/ne/nea | To play; walkabout; any object employed for recreational purposes |
Anuta | Ma/ni/nia | Lustful; to lust after something Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Anuta | Ma/ni/nia | Fingernail, toenail Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Anuta | Ma/noo/noa | To breathe rapidly, pant |
Anuta | Manga | Hook part of traditional fishing lure |
Anuta | Manga/i | Spread one's legs |
Anuta | Mangi/angi | Windy; for the wind to blow |
Anuta | Mango | A kind of fern |
Anuta | Mapana/pana | Warm |
Anuta | Mapi | An energetic or industrious man; a man who is constantly doing work |
Anuta | Mapora | Spread out (of a large number of objects spread out on the floor of a house and ground outside) |
Anuta | Mapu | To whistle through folded tongue, alternately breathing in and out, as in playing a harmonica |
Anuta | Maru(maru) | Shady |
Anuta | Maru(u), maru/maru | Dry (as the inside of a well constructed house when it is raining) |
Anuta | Maringa/ringa | Side of head in front of ear |
Anuta | Mata | Front end of an object |
Anuta | Ma/taaki | To pull up out of the ground |
Anuta | Mata(a)/ivi | A type of small traditional fish hook made of fish bones |
Anuta | Matakainanga | Large patrilineal descent group Problematic |
Anuta | Mataki (atu) | To look, observe |
Anuta | Mata/mata | Look around |
Anuta | Mata/(o)ono | To see |
Anuta | Mata/para | Blind (lit. ulcerated eyes) |
Anuta | Mata/tau | A line of men in battle formation |
Anuta | Matau | Right (side) |
Anuta | Matavai | Spring source (the spot where a spring comes out of the ground) |
Anuta | Mate/a | Maybe, perhaps, probably |
Anuta | Mati | (Ficus septica) |
Anuta | Matimati | Dolphin (fish) |
Anuta | Matua | Husband |
Anuta | Matua | Important, major, primary; adult; mature, ripe |
Anuta | Matuku | To disband |
Anuta | Maunu | To untie a strip of bark-cloth, so that a *popora*-type basket falls from a woman's back |
Anuta | Mauri | Soul |
Anuta | Maurunga | High (in rank) |
Anuta | Mata/urunga | Door, doorway |
Anuta | Me/mero | Pink |
Anuta | Miti/miti | Hard candy or other object to be sucked |
Anuta | Mo | Cooked, in any manner (baked, roasted, boiled) |
Anuta | Mo | For (moku, mo(o)u, mona) |
Anuta | Moe (pl. mo/moe, moe/raki) | To sleep |
Anuta | Mokopiri | A type of lizard a little bigger than the *piripata*, but smaller than the *moko uri* |
Anuta | Mo(o)mona | Fat, grease; greasy |
Anuta | Mo/mori | To send (an object) |
Anuta | Mooanga | Fish sp. (= apuru) |
Anuta | Motu/motu | To cut up or split |
Anuta | Moumou/i | To spoil, destroy |