Entries from Pratt 1911 in Pollex-Online

Pratt, G. (1911). Pratt's Grammar & Dictionary of the Samoan Language. Apia, Western Samoa, Malua Printing Press.

Language Item Description
Samoan Leo Watch over, look after
Samoan Lepa (Of water) stagnant, motionless
Samoan Ta/lepe/ Break up, smash (of houses, boats, boxes)
Samoan Lepu-a Stirred up, as water
Samoan Feau To send for Phonologically Irregular
Samoan Leuleu An old siapo
Samoan Leva (Cerbera sp.)
Samoan Gasuu To be wet, of the bush
Samoan Aleale A coward
Samoan Lii Sinnet securing outrigger
Samoan Liilii Firmly fastened
Samoan Liaʔi Whirl, swing round, pull up
Samoan Liligi Pour
Samoan Ligo/ligo Hushed, silent
Samoan Ligoligo Cricket
Samoan Lia Nit, egg of louse
Samoan Liliʔa Giddy, unsteady
Samoan Liʔa Chief's dream
Samoan Liʔi Scattered in small fragments
Samoan Li/liʔi/ Made of small units
Samoan Liʔo/liʔo Surround
Samoan Liʔo Circle n
Samoan Lili Angry, to be
Samoan Lili Very rough, stormy, to be (of sea)
Samoan Lima Five
Samoan Lima Hand
Samoan Limu Seaweed, moss
Samoan Limutala Alga (Sargassum sp.), small algae in rock pools
Samoan Liu Bilge
Samoan Liu Alter, change , turn
Samoan Loa Long (adj)
Samoan Loa At once, immediately
Samoan Looata Large ant sp.
Samoan Loi Ant Phonologically Irregular
Samoan Lofa Cower down
Samoan Loofia Flooded over
Samoan Logo Keep silence
Samoan Logo Hear
Samoan Logo A report, a sound; a wooden drum
Samoan Logo/logoaa/ Be famous, notorious
Samoan Maloaa Noisy Problematic
Samoan Losoloso Spadix of coconut palm
Samoan Lou Fruit-plucking pole, hook with a pole v
Samoan Loimata Tear n
Samoan Loʔi Inner room
Samoan Loʔomatua Old woman Problematic
Samoan Loʔu Bent, curved (to be)
Samoan Loli A sea-slug (Holothuria). Kind of edlble sea-cucumber (Holothuria sp.) (Mnr).
Samoan Lolo Coconut prepared to make oil
Samoan Lolo Flood, overflow