Entries from Pratt 1911 in Pollex-Online

Pratt, G. (1911). Pratt's Grammar & Dictionary of the Samoan Language. Apia, Western Samoa, Malua Printing Press.

Language Item Description
Samoan Loloi Cook certain foods in coconut cream
Samoan Loi/loi To dip
Samoan Loma To be quiet, to cease, to intermit (as the wind, war, etc); to desist, in the tattooing process; to wait to see who would have the first cup of *'ava*
Samoan Lomi Squeeze
Samoan Loto Inside
Samoan Loto Pool, deep hole in lagoon
Samoan Loto Heart, feeling (as opposed to mind and soul), will; consent, agree
Samoan Loto-aa An enclosure, a field
Samoan Lotu Prayer, religion
Samoan Lotu Make a hollow sound in the water with the hand
Samoan Lotu Persevere in times of difficulty
Samoan Luu/luu Shake
Samoan Lua Hole, pit
Samoan Lua/i Spit out, as anything from the mouth
Samoan Lua Two
Samoan Lua/lua/gia Be coupled, mingled with
Samoan Maatuu Northerly gale Problematic
Samoan Lufi Fish (Equula sp.)
Samoan Luga Above
Samoan Luʔau Young taro leaves
Samoan Luʔi Defy, challenge
Samoan Lu/luʔu/ Carry in hand , take up handful
Samoan Lulu Tyto sp., White Barn Owl (Stria delicatula)
Samoan Lulu (Tongan) a lattice-work barricade to a war boat
Samoan Luma Humiliation
Samoan Lumane Kind of edible sea-anemone
Samoan Lupe Pacific Pigeon (Ducula sp.) and other pigeons and doves
Samoan Mataa/utu Point of land running out into a lagoon
Samoan Lupo Caranx spp. when two to three inches long
Samoan Lee ma- Indicating impossibility of performing the action
Samoan Ma And, with . Also, in addition to
Samoan Ma Connects tens with units
Samoan Maa Ashamed
Samoan -maa(ʔua) First person dual exclusive possessive suffix
Samoan Maa Clear, pure (of blood)
Samoan Maa For
Samoan Mae Withered
Samoan Mae Smell of stale meat or fish , stale (of fish)
Samoan Maea Rope, cord
Samoan Maaeva Stroll, or sit about
Samoan Maafaa Orificium vaginae apertum
Samoan Maafa Disproportionately large in number or quantity
Samoan Mafai Can be done, able to be done (Mnr)
Samoan Mafaʔi To be broken out, wrenched out, extracted
Samoan Maafanafana Warm
Samoan Maafatua Sneeze (v)
Samoan Mafatua Sneeze (n)
Samoan Mafela Spread out food before all are assembled
Samoan Maafine Woman, girl
Samoan Maafoa A tree (Canarium sp.) Problematic