Entries from Pratt 1911 in Pollex-Online

Pratt, G. (1911). Pratt's Grammar & Dictionary of the Samoan Language. Apia, Western Samoa, Malua Printing Press.

Language Item Description
Samoan Mana Supernatural force
Samoan Maanaia Attractive, smart, fine, beautiful; chief's son
Samoan Manaʔo Desire v
Samoan Manatu Think, thought
Samoan Maanatu Think
Samoan Manava Belly, abdomen. Lower abdomen, stomach (McP).
Samoan Maanava Breathe, breath; palpitate, pulsate; rest from work
Samoan Maagia/gia (of teeth) Be on edge Phonologically Irregular
Samoan Manifi Thin
Samoan Maanifi A fish, (Pempheris sp.)
Samoan Manini (Acanthurus sp.)
Samoan Manino Transparent, clear
Samoan Maanino Peace, calm
Samoan Mano A hundred thousand or any very large number
Samoan Manogi Sweet-smelling
Samoan Manoʔo Small fishes belonging to genera (Periophthalmodon, Zonogobius, Chonophorus, Salarias, Cirripectes, Alticus) which include the Gobies and Mud Skippers
Samoan Manu Animal, bird
Samoan Manuu Good luck, good fortune
Samoan Maanu To float high, as a canoe; o rise above, as a rock out of the water, or a tree above the other trees; to become well known...; to show through an attempted concealment
Samoan Manuia Successful, fortunate
Samoan Manuʔa Wound, cut, bruise, scar
Samoan Manu lele Bird
Samoan Manu-maa Many-coloured Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus sp.)
Samoan Manumanu Small birds
Samoan Manu-mea Toothbilled or Samoan Pigeon, (Didunculus sp.)
Samoan Manunu To be scorched ; wither
Samoan Mao Lull in wind or waves
Samoan Mao Do something accidentally, by chance
Samoan Moʔi True
Samoan Maaoʔi Real, genuine
Samoan Faʔamaoʔi To be in earnest, to speak the truth
Samoan Moni True, speak truth (Prt). Be true (Mnr)
Samoan Faʔa/m(a)oni Tell the truth, be certain
Samoan Faʔa/maoni/ True, loyal
Samoan Maaopo/opo Well-wrapped, firm, compact, solid, well organised. Unity, togetherness (McP).
Samoan Maota Trees of the genus Dysoxylum
Samoan Mapelu Bent, stooped
Samoan Mapo Mealy (of taro)
Samoan Mapu Whistle
Samoan Maapu/ea Breathe hard
Samoan Mapuna To strain as the back; start out, as a splinter from a falling tree ; raise (as dust)
Samoan Maapuna To rise from, spring from
Samoan Masa Of the tide (neap); (of a canoe) empty
Samoan Masa Sour
Samoan Maasae Torn, to be; tear n.
Samoan Maasaga Twin
Samoan Masala Great in any way Problematic
Samoan Masalo Think ; suspicion, doubt. Be of opinion; think; suspect (Mnr).
Samoan Maasani Accustomed to, used to
Samoan Masi Acid, fermented; Breadfruit preserved by fermenting