Entries from Pratt 1911 in Pollex-Online

Pratt, G. (1911). Pratt's Grammar & Dictionary of the Samoan Language. Apia, Western Samoa, Malua Printing Press.

Language Item Description
Samoan Noa Of no account, without cause
Samoan Noa Postposed particle (of no importance, worthless, without purpose; easily)
Samoan Noa Tie
Samoan No/noa Tie, bind
Samoan Noa/tia Passive of noa
Samoan Nofo Sit, dwell
Samoan Nofoa Seat, chair
Samoan Nofu Scorpion fish
Samoan Noga Quiet, to be easy, as from pain
Samoan Noʔo Hip, posterior (Poetic) , hips
Samoan Noʔu Bent (of body)
Samoan Noʔu/tua Stoop
Samoan No/noo Borrow
Samoan Nono Name of a white ant when, being winged, it swarms
Samoan Nonu Tree sp. (Morinda citrifolia)
Samoan Nuanua Rainbow
Samoan Nui Be great, increase, as wind or pain
Samoan Nuʔanuʔa A small tree or shrub (Decaspermum sp.) (Mnr); Polynesian myrtle (Decaspermum fruticosum) (Phm)
Samoan Nuʔu District, country, island
Samoan Nuʔu People
Samoan Numi Crumple, gather
Samoan Ona And so, resumptive Problematic
Samoan L/oo Siganus spp.
Samoan O Yes, in answer to a call
Samoan ʔOo Yes (in answer to a call by name)
Samoan Oo Go (pl.) Borrowed
Samoan Oa Gunwale
Samoan Oofaga Nest
Samoan Ofi Enter, as a canoe the lagoon, fit in
Samoan Oso Provisions for a journey
Samoan Oi Joyful surprise
Samoan Oi Disturb; meddle with what would have been better left alone...
Samoan Oʔo Full-grown (pig)
Samoan Ola Life, alive, recover health
Samoan Ola/mea (Randia sp.)
Samoan Ola/sina (Psychotria sp.)
Samoan Ola/olati Wedge to fix on axe handle
Samoan Ola Basket for carrying fish
Samoan Ola/vai Canthium sp. . A shrub (Psychotria sp.). Tree or shrub sp. (Rubiaceae) (Whr).
Samoan Olo Sound of pigeon/dove
Samoan Ogo (pass. ogo/tia) Scorching, of the sun; painful, of a disease; cutting, of words; severe, as a fine
Samoan Onapoo Times, days
Samoan ʔO nei onapoo, ʔo onapoo nei Present (time), (in) these days
Samoan One/one Sand
Samoan Onea Kind of sea-snake
Samoan Ono/ono Peep through, emerge (e.g. the sun)
Samoan Ope(ope)a Cast ashore
Samoan Opo Hold, clasp (in both hands or arms); be fully planted
Samoan Opo/ni Support, strengthen
Samoan Osaosa Partly filled, as a bottle, basket, belly