Entries from Pratt 1911 in Pollex-Online

Pratt, G. (1911). Pratt's Grammar & Dictionary of the Samoan Language. Apia, Western Samoa, Malua Printing Press.

Language Item Description
Samoan Sapotu/vale Palpitate ; pant
Samoan Sasa Beat, thrash
Samoan Sasaga A special shelf used to support coconut shell water-bottles (Buck 1930:72)
Samoan Sasaʔe East
Samoan Save A young Flying-fish
Samoan Sau Dew
Samoan Sau Come (sg. only)
Samoan Saauaa Inhuman , oppressive, cruel
Samoan Sauga Odour
Samoan Saʔumi A species of banana
Samoan Saaunoa To be engaged in games ; play
Samoan Sausau The name of a fish
Samoan Sausaulele Fish (Dendrochirus spp.)
Samoan Sava Filth, ordure
Samoan Savaiʔi An island in Western Samoa
Samoan Saavaʔi Sea-urchin, (Boletia sp.)
Samoan Savili Breeze, blow, windy
Samoan Savini To rejoice, as a young bird on the return of its parent with food
Samoan See Go astray
Samoan Sesee Wrong, fault
Samoan See Not (in poetry)
Samoan Sei Flower worn as ornament (behind the ear or in the hair)
Samoan Seʔe To be dislocated, of a joint
Samoan Seʔe To slip, to slide, to glide along
Samoan Seʔu Fantail (Rhipidura sp.)
Samoan Sela Gasp for breath, asthma
Samoan Sele Snare for catching fish; tie up
Samoan Sele Knife, cut
Samoan Selu Comb
Samoan Sega/segamauʔu Cardinal Honey-eater (Mysomela cardinalis) (Land Birds of Sam.)
Samoan Sega/vao Blue-crowned Lory (Vini australis) (Land birds of Sam.)
Samoan Sega/sega Yellowish
Samoan Segi/segi Twilight
Samoan Seu Catch birds/fish with handnet; ward off
Samoan Sii Semen emettere
Samoan Siapo Bark-cloth from paper-mulberry
Samoan Fisi Peel skin (with a knife), shave off
Samoan Si/sina To drop down (of liquids)
Samoan Sigano Pandanus sp. (?) , pandanus blossom
Samoan Siʔa Net needle
Samoan Siʔa Action of firemaking
Samoan Siʔi To lift
Samoan Siʔuleo Accent, echo, murmur, aside
Samoan Siʔumata Outer angle, corner (of the eye)
Samoan Sila/sila See, watch
Samoan Sili Be highest, best; go beyond
Samoan Silo Entrails of shark
Samoan Sina/a White-haired
Samoan Sina A kind of gourd
Samoan Suni The piece of tutuga [paper mulberry bark] used as a sponge to take up scented cocoa-nut oil as it forms