Entries from Moyle 2011 in Pollex-Online

Richard M.Moyle, Takuu Grammar and Dictionary. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 634.

Language Item Description
Takuu K/kini (of the sun) Intense, very hot; have a bitter taste, pungent smell Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu Kiokio Bonefish (Albula vulpes)
Takuu Kiore Polynesian Rat (Rattus exulans)
Takuu Kiri Skin, animal hide, bark, external surface; skin disease
Takuu Kirikiri Surface, gravel flooring
Takuu Kirisi Lizard with long stripes on its back Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Kite See, understand
Takuu Kiva Mythical 'diamond' with which the spirit ancestor Rapi created the well on Takuu island named after him
Takuu K/kiva Shiny, glossy, reflect light, sparkle Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu Kivi Blind in one eye; (of one's eye or eyes) permanently half-closed and partially blind
Takuu Ko Pre-basic particle, used mostly in utterance-initial position and having several functions
Takuu (Sa)kohe Shrub (Miscanthus floridulus), a swamp-growing indigenous bamboo...
Takuu Kohu Emit smoke or steam...(of smoke) billow out; smoke, steam...column of a waterspout
Takuu K/kohu (of the sea) Dirty, full of sediment, murky
Takuu Koka Tree sp. (Glochidion ?ramiflorum)
Takuu Kona Burp and partially regurgitate one's food
Takuu Kona Male urethra
Takuu K/kona Have food stuck in one's throat (or the feeling thereof), have heartburn; belch up a bitter gastric fluid, belch, hiccough
Takuu Kopa Concave; concave part of a wave Problematic
Takuu Koopa/na Broadly-curved indentation along the perimeter of an island; inlet, bay
Takuu K/kopi Narrow (as of canoe), too small, of insufficient size to accomodate an object
Takuu Koti Break, rip or snap off (as leaves from a tree or plant), silently break something off something else
Takuu Koutou Second person plural pronoun, you (preferred form among older speakers)
Takuu Kovi Any insect which typically remains inside a house; by extension, a man habitually staying indoors instead of working
Takuu Kuro Tank, drum, any large container for storing liquids
Takuu Kur/umiti Crave, long for (a food)
Takuu Laa Branch of a tree
Takuu Laha Ringworm
Takuu L/lahi Pass by close to someone
Takuu L/lahi Pass by close to someone
Takuu Lai, rai Leatherskin (Scomberoides sp.)
Takuu Lakapau Quick to learn, experienced, knowledgeable, skilful Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Laakei, raakei Flower, ornament, the formal adornment of the ariki...
Takuu L/laku, raku Touch someone once, then flick one's finger back across their skin or clothing, to gain their attention
Takuu Lama Black dye used in tattooing, made from the fruit of the hetau tree
Takuu Lama (Torch made of) dry coconut fronds
Takuu L/lama, rama Fish at night with a lantern or torch
Takuu Lano Roller for a canoe; head-rest, pillow
Takuu Lapu, rapu Dig, break up soil in a garden
Takuu Lara Tree sp. (?Vitex trifolia)...
Takuu Lau (of fish, bird, flying fox, etc.) Entangled (in a net)
Takuu Lau The part of the garden area where giant taro are planted by inserting a piece of corm into the soil rather than digging a hole
Takuu Lau- Flat surface
Takuu Lauhara Pandanus leaf
Takuu Lau- Collective noun prefix for a group of people
Takuu Lauhie, rauhie (of weather or sea) Calm, fine
Takuu Lau/ika One hundred fish
Takuu Lau/kataha Birdsnest Fern (Asplenium nidus)
Takuu L/lava Full enough, sufficient
Takuu L/lava Tie securely to an elevated object