Entries from Moyle 2011 in Pollex-Online

Richard M.Moyle, Takuu Grammar and Dictionary. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics 634.

Language Item Description
Takuu Lavena, ravena Oilfish (Ruvettus pretiosus)
Takuu L/leka Burp and partially regurgitate one's food; hiccough
Takuu L/lepa Flap back and forth in the wind
Takuu L/lii Wind sennit cord into a long roll
Takuu Llii Furious, hot (with anger)
Takuu L/lihu Hurt, ache, smart with pain
Takuu L/lika Slightly afraid, scared, wary of supernatural forces
Takuu -l/liki Thin, little, small
Takuu Loo, roo Fly sp....; maggot, internal parasite (e.g. of a fish) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu Loa Long, tall, high
Takuu Lomu Green algae growing on rocks or drift logs; lichen or moss growth on the side of a tree Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Lono Hear, feel (as in sensing the presence of a fish by the vibrations of the line)
Takuu Lono Advice
Takuu Lonu Indian Mulberry (Morinda citrifolia) Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Lori, loli General name for all sea cucumbers (Holothuria sp.)
Takuu Loto, roto Inside (of something), space between two objects, middle, midst, centre
Takuu Loto, roto Lagoon; place where turtles are commonly found; encirclement of a shallow area with coconut leaves and progressively reducing the enclosure to catch the small fish
Takuu Lotu Pray; attend Christian service; Christian religion
Takuu Lou, rou Long stick with a hook for picking fruit; use such a stick
Takuu Ma For, for the benefit of
Takuu Maa Connects tens with units
Takuu Maa Group, gang, associates (postposed)
Takuu Mmaa Leak, leaky
Takuu M/mae (of plants) Withered, dried out, shriveled; (of a sore etc.) dried up
Takuu Maaeva Yawn Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Mmaha Heavy; expensive, dear
Takuu Mahana (of water etc. but not weather) Warm; feverish
Takuu Mahi Strong (esp. of wind); (of curry) spicy, hot; (of a sickness) severe; (of mosquitoes, etc.) plentiful, fierce
Takuu Mahu (of a wound or sore) Healed
Takuu Mahu Bad, taste or smell bad through spoiling or rotting
Takuu Mahu The larger Magellanic Cloud
Takuu Mahua Small fish sp....found in the ocean in massive numbers...sometimes surrounded by predator fish
Takuu Mahuke(e) Earthquake Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Maahuta (of people, birds or fish) Leave quickly en masse
Takuu Mai Postposed particle signifying actual or conceptual movement towards the speaker and verifiable by the speaker; indicates a change in the object which reduces the size of the object
Takuu Makovaa Having one or more spaces, gaps, or intervals; gapped....
Takuu Makkuu Fingernail, toenail; claw of a cat Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Mama Chew, masticate (food for an infant); masticated food intended for an infant
Takuu Maamaa(hua) Light (in weight), able to be lifted; rise slowly; running out, becoming depleted
Takuu Maamaatarina Hammerhead Shark Phonologically Irregular
Takuu Mannihi (of a flat surface) Thin; something in a very fragile condition
Takuu Mannuu (of bones after an accident) Displaced
Takuu Mannuu Make a whirring or rustling noise
Takuu Manuka Accidental injury (polite); scar; scratch or crack on a wooden object
Takuu Maaoha Fall [e.g. fruit from tree]
Takuu Marari Slippery, oily
Takuu Mariu Capable, skilful, good at something Problematic
Takuu Maaroo Forceful, hard
Takuu Maru (of a canoe, roof, etc.) Watertight, not leaking
Takuu Mata(a)henua Peninsula, point of land (the narrow points at each end of the lagoon side of Takuu's islands)