Entries from Shibata 2003 in Pollex-Online

Shibata, N. (2003). Penrhyn-English Dictionary. Kyoto, ELPR.

Language Item Description
Penrhyn Taamate To stop [engine]
Penrhyn Taamau Seize
Penrhyn Ta(a)na 3d person singular definite dominant possession: his, her, its
Penrhyn Tane A skin disease
Penrhyn Taane The 27th night of the lunar month
Penrhyn Taane Male, man, husband
Penrhyn Tano To fit, be proper, be sufficient, okay, right
Penrhyn Tanu Plant; bury
Penrhyn Too Cook in an earth oven
Penrhyn Taa/mi Press down, soak Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn Too To cover the earth oven
Penrhyn Too/too Covering (n)
Penrhyn Taahi Hold, seize, take; adopt
Penrhyn Taahi/nga Knob, fruit stalk of coconut or pandanus fruit, handle of bag or basket
Penrhyn Tookete Brother-in-law (brother of one's wife); sister-in-law (sister of one's husband)
Penrhyn Tooate Nephew Problematic
Penrhyn Tapa Skirt Uncertain Semantic Connection
Penrhyn Tapa/tapa Edge, seashore
Penrhyn Tapa Proclaim; give a name to
Penrhyn Tapakau Coconut frond mat; sitting mat
Penrhyn Papa Kind of crustacean, of which the body is very flat and the legs are short Problematic
Penrhyn Taapee To ferment (vt)
Penrhyn Taapeka Tie
Penrhyn Taape(k)a Ring (worn on a finger)
Penrhyn Taapiri To close; come close to; add, glue, join (not for good)
Penrhyn Taapoki To cover; cover, roof
Penrhyn Taapora Kind of basket used as a plate to contain cooked fish
Penrhyn Tapu Forbidden; sacred, prohibited
Penrhyn Taapuu To stop
Penrhyn Tapuae Sole of foot; foot (unit of length)
Penrhyn Taehae Wild, savage, fierce Problematic
Penrhyn Tahi One Problematic
Penrhyn Vai/tata/ Near
Penrhyn Tatau Strain, squeeze
Penrhyn Taatou 1st person plural inclusive: we
Penrhyn Taatuu Kind of barracuda, shorter than ono. Barracuda (Sphyraena spp.) (McC).
Penrhyn Tau/tau Hang down, be hanging
Penrhyn Ta/tau Read, count
Penrhyn Tau Land, arrive, reach shore
Penrhyn Tuu/tau Anchor
Penrhyn Tau Kind of chant...
Penrhyn Tau Shallow part of sea; cape, promontory. Land point (Bck).
Penrhyn Tuaa/tau Time, season
Penrhyn Taua To quarrel, argue
Penrhyn Taua Retrospective article
Penrhyn Taaua We two (inc)
Penrhyn Taunga Storage basket (Rasmussen) [also mentioned by ...as a small basket for cooked food, according to ...my student] kind of basket for containing pieces of cooked fish
Penrhyn Tauranga Roost; landing, arrival; habitat of a particular kind of fish, the fishing point for that kind of fish
Penrhyn Taueka Uncle Problematic
Penrhyn Tuurua Two (things) Problematic