Entries from Shibata 2003 in Pollex-Online

Shibata, N. (2003). Penrhyn-English Dictionary. Kyoto, ELPR.

Language Item Description
Penrhyn Toe Split
Penrhyn To/toe To split off; to split into broad strings or strips; splitter, tool to tear a wide leaf into several strips
Penrhyn Toe/toe Split into fine strings or strips (of rauhara, kata niikau, etc.)
Penrhyn Toha Spread evenly
Penrhyn Tohi Chisel
Penrhyn Tohoraa Whale
Penrhyn Tohu Point out, recognize
Penrhyn Tohu To stain, be stained; very dark; resin, gum
Penrhyn Tonga South, south wind
Penrhyn Toongaahua Greater omentum, intestinal slab of fat
Penrhyn Tongi To taste
Penrhyn Too/ia To launch, pull [a foreign word]
Penrhyn Toka Big rock. Coral shoal, rock (Lmt).
Penrhyn Toka Coagulate
Penrhyn Tokorua Spouse, partner, couple
Penrhyn Toke Worm
Penrhyn Tokerau North, northeast
Penrhyn Toki Adze
Penrhyn Toko Pole for propelling canoe; punt
Penrhyn Toko- Human prefix
Penrhyn Mauritoka, mauritoko Hiccup Problematic
Penrhyn Tokotoko Walking stick
Penrhyn Tore Striped; lined; lines of pattern (esp. fish)
Penrhyn Toru Three
Penrhyn Tomo Enter; to move in a specific direction
Penrhyn Tona/tona Wart
Penrhyn Tonu Fish sp.; rock cod, reef cod (Epinephelus sp.)
Penrhyn Topa Fall, drop; be dislocated
Penrhyn Toopata Spotted, dotted; to drop (water)
Penrhyn Tope Prune, cut off
Penrhyn Tootara Porcupine fish
Penrhyn Toto Blood
Penrhyn Tuu To strain
Penrhyn Tuu Stand
Penrhyn Tua Back
Penrhyn Tua Sea; ocean side of atoll
Penrhyn Tuagaane Brother of a woman
Penrhyn Tuai Coconut grater
Penrhyn Tuakana Older sibling, same sex
Penrhyn Tuaki Remove the intestines (of fish, pigs and fowls)
Penrhyn Tuha Share, divide, distribute
Penrhyn Tuunganga Rubbish dump, rubbish heap
Penrhyn Tungange Kind of shellfish whose shells are used for making leis
Penrhyn Tungatunga Lumpy, bumpy, uneven, rough
Penrhyn Suungia, suumia To kindle Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn Tuupou To lower the head Problematic
Penrhyn Tui Sew; needle
Penrhyn Tuke Ridge, protuberance, pubic region
Penrhyn Tukemata Eyebrow
Penrhyn Tuki Beat, pound