Entries from Shibata 2003 in Pollex-Online

Shibata, N. (2003). Penrhyn-English Dictionary. Kyoto, ELPR.

Language Item Description
Penrhyn Vaia/a To be watery, waterish
Penrhyn Poro Protuberance
Penrhyn Poro rima Elbow
Penrhyn Takeo To be intoxicated, poisoned, drunk
Penrhyn Hakakite, akakite To inform
Penrhyn Puapua (Whitish) inflammation of lip skin
Penrhyn Mareka Be happy, feel pleasure
Penrhyn Maarama Wise, clever
Penrhyn Mate oge To be hungry
Penrhyn Oho To be excited, frightened, shocked
Penrhyn Pupu Group, team
Penrhyn Putu To mix, prepare
Penrhyn Rapa Blade of canoe paddle
Penrhyn Tuu/pou Lower the head
Penrhyn Takere To consume nearly to the bottom (usually of something in a sack)
Penrhyn Vaavaa To be at intervals
Penrhyn Keu/anga Story Uncertain Semantic Connection
Penrhyn Maaroo Fathom, arm span
Penrhyn Raakau Stick, plank, timber, wood
Penrhyn Vai raakau Medicine
Penrhyn Tupu Be pregnant Problematic
Penrhyn Piripiri Burr-grass sp., sandbur (Cenchrus sp.)
Penrhyn Toro To stick out, stretch out, protrude; to erupt obliquely (of teeth); to catch a bird with hands
Penrhyn Tauooa/nga To cohabit; cohabitant Borrowed
Penrhyn Aa- Like, -ish (in a few words?)
Penrhyn E Conjunction: and
Penrhyn Aro/rangi Face of the sky
Penrhyn Huura Return, go back, go [used only in interrogative, hortative or imperative sentences]
Penrhyn Kaatiri Line of descent; stock, lineage (of animals)
Penrhyn Sae/kae Saliva, slaver
Penrhyn Taareeree sau Spotfin lionfish (Pterois antennata) Problematic
Penrhyn Ve/veti, ve/vesi To peel off with one's teeth Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn Maasora-hia To loosen [ex. hair] Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn Mai/masa Growth stage of coconut fruit (between *sakari* and *uto*); flesh still white and still contains some liquid
Penrhyn Nguutupa Door, doorway, entrance
Penrhyn Puhera To open, bloom (of a flower) Borrowed
Penrhyn Ranga(ranga) To look for, search for
Penrhyn Tikaai Really, truly, just
Penrhyn Tupe Coil, bundle of folded *rauhara* for thatching
Penrhyn Ua Suspensory cord (connects outrigger boom with outrigger float)
Penrhyn Vai areare Clear water, with nothing mixed in
Penrhyn E areare tikaai toku manava My stomach is really vacant (I am very hungry)
Penrhyn Vaahi To open, clear the way Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn Ato/hanga Thatching
Penrhyn Koorare Spear; man's club
Penrhyn Kape Hull piece of canoe just above the keel
Penrhyn Kaatinga Firm flesh of mature coconut, for making copra Uncertain Semantic Connection
Penrhyn Kauamo Litter, carrying pole; to carry with a carrying pole
Penrhyn Kiko hara Flesh of pandanus fruit, the kernel ontained in the hard part of a drupe
Penrhyn Maakona Excellent fisherman