Entries from Shibata 2003 in Pollex-Online

Shibata, N. (2003). Penrhyn-English Dictionary. Kyoto, ELPR.

Language Item Description
Penrhyn Tua Side
Penrhyn N/aa Through, by way of, along
Penrhyn Maa/nguu/nguu Thunder
Penrhyn Tangi Sound
Penrhyn Ta/tangi Sound, make a noise
Penrhyn Peke Disappear, be taken away
Penrhyn Tara o te tua Dorsal fins
Penrhyn Karu To loosen a rope
Penrhyn Karu/karu Wrinkle
Penrhyn Mea To do (a proform)
Penrhyn Ee hia hua Several, a few
Penrhyn Varea To be overcome by sleep
Penrhyn Veve Worn out, exhausted
Penrhyn Ravakai Fisherman
Penrhyn Taratara Rugged, rough, thorny
Penrhyn Paroro mua The first month of the year, roughly February
Penrhyn Paroro muri The 2nd month of the year
Penrhyn Muriaha The ninth month in the pre-Christian calendar (Buck)
Penrhyn Siringa muri The 4th month Problematic
Penrhyn Se/rehu The 12th month in the pre-Christian calendar
Penrhyn Kaaua Enclose, make a fence around; enclosure, pen, garden, fence, place divided by horizontally laid coconut trees Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn Teeraa Demonstrative pronoun: that, yonder (that one over there)
Penrhyn Teenaa Demonstrative pronoun: That (that one with you, that one by you)
Penrhyn Peeraa To do like that, do as he/she/they do
Penrhyn Toko Prop; to prop up
Penrhyn Akaata To show
Penrhyn Heke Diarrhea
Penrhyn Hakaseke/seke To sail with the wind
Penrhyn Noni To scramble for, rush for, rush to get something; to mix up what should not be mixed up
Penrhyn Tausunu Tree Heliotrope (Tournefortia argentea)
Penrhyn Akamaa Ashamed, shameful; shy
Penrhyn Paa Touch; hit, beat; iron stick, iron bat
Penrhyn Apu/apau To feed voraciously on, chase and swallow
Penrhyn O/ori Roam, stroll
Penrhyn Paareu Kilt, dancing skirt, pareu; to wear a pareu
Penrhyn Mahue To be bruised, become swollen, become black and blue Uncertain Semantic Connection
Penrhyn Hai/nga Big function, feast
Penrhyn Akatuu Erect, stand, raise Borrowed
Penrhyn Pakapaka Kind of marine crab
Penrhyn Kauvai River
Penrhyn Hanohanga Going, visit Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn (H)akahoou To do anew, again
Penrhyn Hakavaa A judge
Penrhyn Akavaa To judge
Penrhyn Akatika To agree, accept, admit, approve, justify...
Penrhyn Ee Hey! (usually used before a name with vocative force)
Penrhyn Rehurehu To be gray
Penrhyn Raso Abdomen, soft part of crustaceans, used as bait
Penrhyn Ara kaakenga Ladder
Penrhyn Piri Be near to