Entries from Williams 1971 in Pollex-Online

Williams, H. W. (1971). A Dictionary of the Maori Language. Wellington, Government Printer.

Language Item Description
New Zealand Maori Ihi Split, divide, separate, peel bark off a tree
New Zealand Maori Iho Umbilical cord, pith
New Zealand Maori Ihu Nose
New Zealand Maori Iti Small
New Zealand Maori Ito Object of revenge; trophy of an enemy; enemy
New Zealand Maori Whaka/itu/ Aside, away Problematic
New Zealand Maori Iwi Bone
New Zealand Maori Iwi Strength
New Zealand Maori Raa Sail
New Zealand Maori Rae Forehead
New Zealand Maori Rae Promontory, headland
New Zealand Maori Raha Open, extended
New Zealand Maori Raharaha Spread out
New Zealand Maori Rahi/rahi Thin, not thick
New Zealand Maori Rawhi Grasp, seize, hold firmly; encompass, surround
New Zealand Maori Rahirahinga Temple, of head
New Zealand Maori Raahu/i Flock of, herd of, bundle of
New Zealand Maori Raahui Declare a closed season on an economic resource
New Zealand Maori Ranga Raise (up), cast up, pull up by roots
New Zealand Maori Raanga/i Raised up, elevated
New Zealand Maori Ranga Sandbank, fishing ground; shoal of fish
New Zealand Maori Rangahau Pursue, search out, seek
New Zealand Maori Rangatira Chief; well born person
New Zealand Maori Rangi Tune, air, portion of a song
New Zealand Maori Rangirangi Roast, scorch, dry at a fire
New Zealand Maori Ngaro Fly (insect) western dialect (met.)
New Zealand Maori Rango Fly (insect) eastern dialect
New Zealand Maori Rango Skid on which heavy object is dragged
New Zealand Maori Ngaro Skid on which heavy object is dragged
New Zealand Maori Raka Go, spread abroad; agile, adept
New Zealand Maori Whaka/raka/ Step out
New Zealand Maori Raka/pikipiki Lie across one another
New Zealand Maori Whaka/raka/ Perform tohi rites
New Zealand Maori Raakau- Night of the moon, seventeenth to eighteenth nights
New Zealand Maori Raakau Tree
New Zealand Maori Raakei-tia Adorn, bedeck
New Zealand Maori Raakai Adorn, bedeck
New Zealand Maori Raki North; dry, dried up
New Zealand Maori Rako Albino
New Zealand Maori Koo/rako/ Albino
New Zealand Maori Rako/rakoa/ A bird (? Phaethon rubricauda, tropic bird)
New Zealand Maori Haakoakoa Bird spp.: fluttering shearwater (Puffinus gavia), Southern skua (Catharacta antarctia) Problematic
New Zealand Maori Ra(ra)ku Scratch, scrape
New Zealand Maori Rakuraku Rake n
New Zealand Maori Rara Broach to, be thrown broadside on (of canoe)
New Zealand Maori Raaraa Small branch
New Zealand Maori Rarahi A fish (Auchenoceros punctatus)
New Zealand Maori Rare Dull, stupid; laziness, indolence
New Zealand Maori Whaka/rare Distort (of a carving pattern)
New Zealand Maori Rare/rare Confused in mind