Entries from Williams 1971 in Pollex-Online

Williams, H. W. (1971). A Dictionary of the Maori Language. Wellington, Government Printer.

Language Item Description
New Zealand Maori Tere Company of travellers; shoal of fish
New Zealand Maori Tero Anus
New Zealand Maori Pa/tero Break wind
New Zealand Maori Teo Stake, mooring-post Problematic
New Zealand Maori Tepe Congeal, clot
New Zealand Maori Tete/tete Chatter, rattle
New Zealand Maori Tewe Fermented juice of a poisonous plant (Coriaria arborea)
New Zealand Maori Tii Throw v. (Obs. except in passive forms tii/ngia, tii/nia)
New Zealand Maori Ti/ti Shine, of sun or moon
New Zealand Maori Tia Stomach, abdomen
New Zealand Maori Tiaki Watch for, wait for, guard, keep
New Zealand Maori Tiiare Scent
New Zealand Maori Tiiere Scent
New Zealand Maori Tiwha Decorate carving with paua shell
New Zealand Maori Titiwha Show out, gleam
New Zealand Maori Tihi Point, extremity
New Zealand Maori Tiikaro Pick out of a hole, scoop out; pick holes in anything
New Zealand Maori Tiketike Lofty, high, important, exalted
New Zealand Maori Tira Mast of a canoe
New Zealand Maori Tirea The moon on the second day
New Zealand Maori Tiri Throw, scatter, distribute, plant root crops
New Zealand Maori Whati/tiri/ Thunder Problematic
New Zealand Maori Ti/tiro/ Look at
New Zealand Maori Tirohia Passive-imperative of titiro
New Zealand Maori Tiimata Begin
New Zealand Maori Timo Peck, as a bird
New Zealand Maori Timu To ebb (of the tide); involuntary contraction of muscles
New Zealand Maori Tinei Extinguish, put out, destroy
New Zealand Maori Tio Call of a bird
New Zealand Maori Tio Oyster
New Zealand Maori Tipa Turn aside
New Zealand Maori Tiipao Come and go irregularly, wander; pick out singly
New Zealand Maori Tiipaopao Do irregularly, put out of proper sequence
New Zealand Maori Tiipapa Lie, recline
New Zealand Maori Taapapa Lie flat, face down; stoop Problematic
New Zealand Maori Tipi Slice
New Zealand Maori Tipi Glide, skim lightly along the surface
New Zealand Maori Tiipapa A rough cape Problematic
New Zealand Maori Tiihae Tear, rend
New Zealand Maori Tihee Sneeze
New Zealand Maori Ma/tihe/ Sneeze
New Zealand Maori Tiitaha Lean to one side, slant, pass to one side
New Zealand Maori Titi Peg, pin, to stick in as a peg or pin
New Zealand Maori Titi Long streaks of cloud
New Zealand Maori Tito Barb of a hook Problematic
New Zealand Maori Tito Compose impromptu, do without previous practice Problematic
New Zealand Maori Tiitoi(toi) Retract foreskin, masturbate; mock, flout
New Zealand Maori Tiu North wind
New Zealand Maori Whaka/too/-kia Plant
New Zealand Maori Too Set (of sun), fall (of rain)