Entries from Bruce Biggs, field notes in Pollex-Online

Language Item Description
East Futuna -a Suffix indicating presence in quantity of the the noun
East Futuna ʔAa Fence of stone, logs etc.
East Futuna ʔAfa Net gauge
East Futuna Afe Turn aside; deviate
East Futuna Afe Thousand
East Futuna Aafea When? (future)
East Futuna ʔEfi Place under the arm (as a letter, another's hand). Porter sous le bras (Mfr). Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna ʔAfiga Armpit
East Futuna Afo Cord, especially fishing line
East Futuna Afuafu To sprinkle, as of fine rain
East Futuna ʔAo Day, daylight
East Futuna ʔAu Gall, of fish, animals
East Futuna ʔAu Smoke
East Futuna Aka A vine, perhaps Pueraria
East Futuna ʔAka Kick. Donner des coups de pied
East Futuna Aku/aku Scratch, scrape out
East Futuna ʔAla Awake (to be)
East Futuna Alaga Jambe, jambon
East Futuna Alaga All the parts and gear of a canoe; the main roof-bearers in a house Problematic
East Futuna ʔAlaʔala/muli Small fish, a kind of mackerel
East Futuna ʔAlelo Tongue
East Futuna ʔAlelo o le pali Clitoris
East Futuna Ali Flatfish, flounder ; sole tropicale (Bothus mancus) [Broussonet]
East Futuna ʔAliki Chief
East Futuna ʔAlili Univalve mollusc spp.
East Futuna ʔA/ʔalo/ Paddle, row
East Futuna ʔAlofa-ʔia Love, pity, compassion
East Futuna ʔAlofi Name of island with sandy beaches screening Futuna from the trade-winds
East Futuna ʔAlogo Surgeonfish sp.
East Futuna ʔAlopoʔou Woman pregnant for first time
East Futuna Ama Turmeric mixed with oil and used as a cosmetic sun-screen
East Futuna ʔAmanaki Hope, expect, prepare (for) (Bgs)
East Futuna ʔAmio Variable (of direction of motion) , tortueux, en zigzag
East Futuna Amu Grumble, complain
East Futuna ʔAna Cave, room
East Futuna Naapoo Last night
East Futuna Ano Go
East Futuna ʔAʔanu Spit
East Futuna Ao Gather together, collect
East Futuna ʔAoga Importance, use, value; useful
East Futuna Apai Purlins
East Futuna ʔApi Many, crowded (of people)
East Futuna ʔA(si)/ʔasi Visit
East Futuna ʔAsu Bail, ladle out, scoop out
East Futuna ʔAta Shadow
East Futuna ʔAtamai Intelligent, expert, clever
East Futuna ʔAtamai Right (not left)
East Futuna ʔAte Liver
East Futuna ʔEti Build in stone (as a wall)
East Futuna Atiafi Go in search of fire