Entries from Bruce Biggs, field notes in Pollex-Online

Language Item Description
East Futuna ʔAto Thatch
East Futuna ʔAtu Bonito. "Bonite au ventre rayé" (Katsuwonus pelamis) (Mfr).
East Futuna ʔAtu Line, row
East Futuna ʔAtua Deity
East Futuna ʔAtule Fish sp. (Trachurops)
East Futuna ʔAukai Jeune, jeuner
East Futuna ʔAukau Pus
East Futuna ʔAukava Pêcher en empoisonnant le poisson
East Futuna ʔAumai Apporter, remettre; donne-moi
East Futuna ʔAutala Remove spines from pandanus leaves
East Futuna ʔAva Fish like mullet but bigger. "Poisson lait" (Chanos chanos) (Mfr).
East Futuna ʔAavaga Spouse, marry
East Futuna ʔAavaga Illness, often associated with a dream of a sexual nature and believed to have a spiritual rather than a physical cause. Symptoms may include irrational behaviour. Treatment includes massage with bad-smelling herbs inimical to spirits
East Futuna ʔAvatu Send, carry
East Futuna ʔAavea Delirious, raving; possessed by a spirit
East Futuna E Non-past tense-aspect marker
East Futuna ʔEa Appear
East Futuna Efe/efeʔi niu puluʔi A piece of coconut husk fibre
East Futuna Efu Dust. Poussière; peluche blanche de l'écorce du mûrier à papier; être poussiéreux, plein de poussière (Mfr).
East Futuna ʔElo Stink
East Futuna ʔEmi Start, flinch
East Futuna ʔEpo Lick
East Futuna ʔEva Walk about for pleasure, stroll. Se promener, roder (Mfr).
East Futuna V/eve Small, black fish sp.
East Futuna Faʔa Frequentative particle. Trop souvent, fréquemment (Mfr).
East Futuna Faʔele/ʔele Woman who has had first child
East Futuna Fafali Excrement on anus after defecation, dag
East Futuna Fafie Firewood
East Futuna Fafo Outside
East Futuna Fagamea Kind of fish, red. Poisson: "lutjan rouge" (Lutjanus bohar) (Mfr).
East Futuna Faagogo Half coconut shell
East Futuna Faagota Get seafood from reef
East Futuna Fai Stingray
East Futuna Faikai Balls of arrowroot starch dipped in grated, toasted coconut. Mets futunien à base de tubercules râpés ou de fruits, cuits à l'étouffée, arrosés de lait de coco et présentés dans une feuille de taro géant ou de bananier
East Futuna Faaite Sit on the grounds as women do, with legs to the side . Borrowed
East Futuna Faitoʔo Indigenous medical treatment of any kind Problematic
East Futuna Fai veli Copulate
East Futuna Faka/fana/ Warm up cold food
East Futuna Fagafoa Boil or abscess on the buttock
East Futuna Fakalanu Rinse with fresh water
East Futuna Faka/lo/logo Remain silent
East Futuna Faka-ata Look for (as fish in sea)
East Futuna Faki Pick fruit
East Futuna Faakule Search head for nits or lice
East Futuna Fala Pandanus mat
East Futuna Falafala Yam sp.
East Futuna Faaliki Cover floor with mats
East Futuna Faliu Return
East Futuna Faaloo Stretch, put out (as hand) ; Être étendu; être allongé (bras, jambe)
East Futuna Fanaa Mast