Entries from Capell 1973 in Pollex-Online

Capell, A. (1973). A new Fijian dictionary. Suva, Government Printer.

Language Item Description
Fijian Vesu/ka Bind or tie a person
Fijian Vetau (Calysaccion tinctorium)
Fijian Bebe Vagina Problematic
Fijian Vivi Wrap up, as a mat; bind, as a bandage; roll one thing around another
Fijian Vica How many?
Fijian Vici Bind, coil, roll up
Fijian Vili Pick up scattered things
Fijian Viri Go on vigorously; to pelt, stone
Fijian Viri/bale Cross one thing over another
Fijian Vulo Twist thread on knee
Fijian Viro Cross-grained (of timber) Problematic
Fijian Viro Cross-grained (of timber) Problematic
Fijian Vuso Froth, foam Problematic
Fijian Vico A wild Sugarcane (Erianthus maximus)
Fijian Bita To feel urge to do a thing
Fijian Vidi Spring up
Fijian Viti Traditional place name (in western islands)
Fijian Vitu Seven
Fijian Biu/ta Throw away
Fijian Voo Minnow-like, fresh- and saltwater fish spp
Fijian Boo Squeeze
Fijian Voce Paddle
Fijian Voci Peel anything with soft flexible skin such as cooked banana or taro
Fijian Vokai A small lizard
Fijian Ya/voki/ Shift (of wind)
Fijian Vuki Turn, change v
Fijian Voli Indefinite movement (Pawley 1970)
Fijian Vono Join pieces together
Fijian Vono-ta Join pieces of canoe together Problematic
Fijian Vono Deliberative assembly
Fijian Vonu Turtle
Fijian Voto Thorn
Fijian Voto/-ni-vai Skate thorn
Fijian Votu Appear
Fijian Vou New
Fijian Vuvu Cough repeatedly
Fijian Vuu/ ni kau Tree
Fijian I/vua Ten fish
Fijian Vua Fruit
Fijian Vu/vuu/ Jealous
Fijian Vu/vuu/taka Jealous of, to be
Fijian Vuata Crop, harvest
Fijian Vuvu Muddy, troubled, of water
Fijian Vuqa Many; in great numbers Problematic
Fijian Vugo- Descriptive term applied to affines
Fijian Vuu-ya Wash, cleanse with water, of feet or hands
Fijian Vuka To fly Problematic
Fijian Vuke Uncover
Fijian Vura Arrive, emerge, appear Problematic
Fijian Vule Break down a branch without separating it from tree