#99: Other Tools, Weapons and Materials.

Reconstruction Description
PAA-RAU Pearl-oyster, pearl-shell
PAA.3B Pearl-shell
PAKI.2 Paddle-shaped instrument used when dancing
PANA.1C Bow n
PAPA.3 Box
PATU.1B. Mallet or club
PELU.B Improvised container made of folded leaf
PERE.3 Dart, n.
PISA.* Box; box-shaped enclosure
POIKE Top: *po(o)ike
POO-NAO Thimble, scabbard
PULU.1A Coconut husk fibre
PULU.1B Plug of fibrous material; to plug up
PULU.2 Gum, resin; sticky, viscous
PULU.6 Lead (metal)
PUSA.1 Box n
QOLA Wedge; insert wedge; sharp pain
QUMOTI Stopper, bung
REGA Turmeric (prepared)
REWA.1B Flag n
SAFE.4 Menstrual pad
SELE.2 Knife; cut
SOSONI Water container
TAFAA Coconut shell container
TAKUU Cutting or splitting instrument made of tortoise-shell or shell
TALI.6 Container
TAMA.2 Turmeric grater
TAO Spear, lance
TEKA.2A Dart
TIA.1A A stake, post; stick in a peg or a needle
TIFA.1A Pearl shell
TIKA.A Dart, throw a dart
TIKI.1 Carved human image
TINA Wedge
TITI.1 Peg, to stick in as a peg
TOKI Adze, axe
TOKO-TOKO Walking stick
TUAHI Coconut grater
TUKI.C Pounder, pestle; thing for pounding or striking
TULU-KI A support
TULU.2 Post, staff, prop, support
TULUMA Small container, box
TUPE.1 Disc used in game (quoits); other disc-shaped objects
TURA Container
TUU-KAFA Coconut husk fibre ready for making into sennit
UHI Tattooing instrument
UPU.* Container for liquids, cup

102 entries found