Protoform: TIA.1A [MP] A stake, post; stick in a peg or a needle

Description: A stake, post; stick in a peg or a needle
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to MP: Malayo-Polynesian

*0 >> CE *paa-tia "pierce"
*4 POC *tia "to weave, as a net" (ACD). [Based on PN + Rotuman, Nggela]
*5 PMP *tija9 "Pfahl, Stange" (Dpf.).

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Emae Tia House foundation (Cpl) Problematic (Cpl)
Fijian Dia Handle, to throw by the end and stick in as, in throwing a knife (Cpl)
Hawaiian Kia Pillar, prop, post, nail, spike, mast (Pki)
Luangiua Kia Root Problematic (Hbn)
Mangareva Tiia Enfoncer un clou, clouer; enfoncer en terre un bois; se proposer (Rch)
Manihiki-Rakahanga Tia/tia Pegs attaching outrigger float to boom (Bck)
Marquesas Pa/tia Clouer, cheviller; cheville, dusil, faussel (Dln)
Marquesas Tia/tia Arbuste de la famille des sapindacées; bois solide utilisé pour les battoirs à tapa, les ko'u'i'ima ou frotteurs pour allumer le feu, et les tiges fixent le balancier de la pirogue aux bras appelés kiato. Bâtons croisés qui soutiennent la traverse sur le balancier; crossed beams which support the boom (Atl). (Lch)
Marquesas Ti/ʔama Fixer le balancier sur une pirogue (Lch)
New Zealand Maori Tia A peg, stake; to stick in, as a peg or a thatching needle (Bgs)
Penrhyn Tia Stake; wedge, stuff, filling; used coral stones (Sta)
Rarotongan Tia A wedge, peg, etc. driven in as a wedge; to wedge something in, drive in a wedge (Bse)
Samoan Tia Grave, funeral cairn Problematic (Prt)
Tahitian Tia/tia Les bâtons qui relient la traverse (`iato) de la pirogue au balancier (ama) (Lmt)
Tongan E/chía The handle of an axe, hatchet, or adze (Mar)
Tongan ʔE/sia Handle of axe, spade, etc. (Cwd)
Tuamotu Tia Penis (Stn)

17 entries found

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