Protoform: PUSA.1 [PN] Box n
Description: | Box n |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian |
Notes: | *1 Cf. EP *pisa "box; box-shaped enclosure" |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Anuta | Paka/puta | Spool around which fishing line is wound; dropline spool Problematic | (Fbg) |
East Futuna | Pusa | Chest, trunk, case | (Bgs) |
Hawaiian | Pahu | Box, drum, cask, chest, barrel, trunk, tank, case, keg, ark, coffin etc. (Pki Problematic | (Pki) |
Lau | Puta | Parcel, packet, roll Problematic | (Ivs) |
Mangareva | Puʔa | Siège sans dossier Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Rch) |
Manihiki-Rakahanga | Puiha | Wooden box (said to have been imported) | (Bck) |
Marquesas | Puho | Cage, cabine, petite chambre... Tablette (Lch). Phonologically Irregular | (Dln) |
Marquesas | Búho kiÿure | A snare for rats | (Crk) |
Niue | Puha | Box, case | (Sph) |
Samoan | Pusa | Box, case | (Prt) |
Tokelau | Puha | Any box-shaped container | (Sma) |
Tongan | Puha | Box, case, barrel | (Cwd) |
Tongan | Booha | A box; a chest | (Mar) |
Tuamotu | Puha | Box, casket, etc | (Stn) |
Tuvalu | Puha | Trunk, chest | (Rby) |
15 entries found
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