Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
KAATAKI Endure, bear (pain etc.); be patient
KAATOA-GA Large feast
KAATOA.* All, whole
KAAVEI Name of a constellation (Rby)
KAAWE-A Be carried away emotionally: *ka(a)we-a
KAE Saliva, drool
KAFA-GA Loop of coconut fibre around the feet used for climbing coconut trees: *ka(a)fa9a
KAFA-KAFA.* A fish, perhaps small-sized kafa
KAFA.1 Sennit, coconut husk fibre
KAFA.2 Strong, great
KAFA.3 Diamond-scaled mullet (Mugil vaigiensis)
KAFI Invite
KAFIKA Tree sp., Malay Apple (Syzygium malaccense)
KAFO Wounded, injured; injury, wound
KAFU.A To cover, covering (esp. of person); clothing, put on clothing
KAFU.B Cawl, foetal membrane, organic membrane *kafu(kafu)
KAFUSU.* (Barringtonia sp.)
KAGA To place a curse on someone
KAGO Wasted; bare; undeveloped
KAHA.1 To burn (intransitive): *(ka)kaha
KAHA.2 Spell, sorcery
KAHI Flow, trickle
KAHORE Negative marker: *ka(a)(h)ore
KAI-FAKA-RUAKI Proper name of a mythical monster
KAI-GA.A Meal, feast
KAI-GA.B Food refuse, esp. of chewed food
KAI-HAQA.B Savage, wicked; cannibal
KAI-LALAO Immoral behaviour
TO KAI-LUU Eat scraps
KAI-MAALIE Generous: *kai-ma(a)lie
KAI-PUNU Selfish *kaip(e, o, u)nu
KAI-SAU Enjoy benefits without personal effort
KAI-SIQI Beg, cadge
KAI-TAGI Jealous; sullen
KAI-TAQE "Eat feces" - exclamation of abuse or contempt
KAI-TAUA To be angry, warlike: Kai-taua
KAI-UU Baby before weaning
KAI.1A Food, eat: *kai-nga, *kai-na
KAI.1B To spread, erode (of an ulcer or sore)(Clk): *(ka)kai
KAI.2 Tree, wood
KAI.3 Suffer, experience
KAI.4 Game, points scored in a game
KAI.5 People of a place; to people a place, occupy, inhabit
KAI.7 Preposed verbal particle of continuity; still, yet: *k(a,e)i
KAI.8 Negative imperative, caveat
KAIHUE To steal
KAILAO Club-like weapon; dance using this weapon
KAILE.1 A kind of wild yam

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