Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
KALO.1 Dodge, evade
KALO.2 A tree
KALO.3 Pick something out of a hole, excavate, dig out
TO KALO.4 Stir
KALOLO Bowstring; taut (as a bowstring, stay in rigging)
KALU-KALU Jellyfish
KALU.A Loose or wrinkled membrane or flesh surrounding a harder interior substance, as around seeds or the eyeball
KALU.B Viscous or clotted matter, e.g. mucus, clotted blood, dregs or residue
KALU.C Viscous, clotted, jelly-like
KALU.D Loose, slack, wrinkled; skin of foetus, newborn or elderly person
KAMA-KAMA.1 Crab sp: *ka(ma)-kama
CC KAMA-KAMA.2 Fish sp
KAMA.1 Talkative
KAMA.2 Burn, afire, alight
KAMAI Fish sp., Rainbow Runner (Elegatis bipinnulatus)
KAMATA.1 Begin
KAMI.1 Open and shut mouth, gills
KAMI.2 To desire something
NO KAMI.3 Run or walk in a particular way
KAMO.1 Beckon; make sign with hand or eye
KAMO.2 Steal; approach or take by stealth
KAMU.1 Chew, munch
KAMU.2 Cut off
KAMU.3 Coral
KANA.1 A kind of sponge used as an abrasive; to polish with such
KANA.2 Stare at; give the evil eye
KANAGA Joke, personal taunt
KANAPU.1 Seabird (Sula sp.)
KANAPU.2 Lightning
KANAWA A tree (Cordia subcordata): *ka(a)nawa
KANIWA The Milky Way
KANO-FI-MATA Eyeball: *kano-((f,q)i)-(mata)
KANO-MATE Meat, esp. lean meat
KANO-WAKA Crew of canoe
KANO.1A Flesh (of plant or animal); substance, or essential part of anything; seed, kernel
KANO.1B Social group
FU KANO.2 Unwilling, reluctant
KANOFI Flesh of fruit or animal
KANOPOGI Bereavement
KANU Pattern, design (e.g. on pottery, tapa, tattooing)(Clk)
KANUME A tree (Diospyros sp.)
KAO-KAO Side, rib; analogous parts of a house or canoe *(hui) kaokao
KAO.1 New shoot; to sprout
KAO.2 Dried food, such as sweet potato, taro or fish
KAO.3 Green heron (Butorides striatus) (Clk)

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