Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
KAO.4 Slender, narrow: *(ka-)kao
KAPA-KAPA.A Flap wings *kapa(-kapa)
KAPA-KAPA.B Lateral fin, flipper (Clk)
KAPA-TIKO Fish sp. (Lethrinus sp.) (Rsr)
KAPA.1 Stretch out hands, reach for, grasp (Clk): *ka(ka)pa
KAPA.2 Dance
KAPA.3 Flash; sudden motion (Clk)
KAPA.4 Make a first attempt at something (Clk)
KAPANINI Coconut leaf wall mats
KAPE.1 A plant (Alocasia macrorrhiza)
KAPE.2 Take out, pick out
KAPE.3 Ward off, parry
KAPI-KAPI.* Jellyfish sp
KAPI.A Hold firmly between two things *kapi-ti(a)
KAPI.B Wedge (n,v)
KAPI.C Packed tight, completely filled, occupied, covered; narrow, tight *kapi-ti(a)
CO KAPIA Lime, calcium carbonate
KAPO.1 Catch, grasp
KAPO.2 A bird (Heteroscelus incanus)
KAPOA Catfish (Plotosus sp.) : *ka(a)poa
KAPOGA Fin of fish
CC KAPU-A.* Cloud: *kapu-a
CC KAPU-LOLO Skull, brain
KAPU.1A Cup-like container
KAPU.1B Palm of hand, sole of foot
KAPU.2 Spread over, surround, envelop
KAPUTI Flower bud, leaf sheath *kaput(i,u)
KARAA-MEA A kind of stone
KARAEA Red ochre, red clay or earth
KARAKIA Incantation, charm
KARAKO Bird sp., petrel
KARERE Messenger
KAREWA Fish sp: *ka(a)r(i,e)wa(r(i,e)wa)
KARIHI Foundation wall of house
KARIOI Idle, devoted to sensual amusement; such a person
CK KAROHE Fish sp.: *karo(f,s)e
KAROSI Flash, shimmer
KASA Unsuccessful
KASAGA. Earring
KASI.1 Bivalve shellfish (Asaphidae)
KASI.2 A tuna, perhaps yellow-finned tuna (Neothunnus macropterus)
KASIKASI Skin eruptions such as caused by scrofula, scabies: *kasi(-kasi)
CK KASIWI Ridge: *ka(a)siwi
KASO-KASO.1 Rib (Rby) *(hui) kasokaso
KASO.1 Rafters, or possibly purlins
KASO.2 Reed (Miscanthus floridulus)
KASOA Necklace

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