Protoform: KOO-FATU.* [CK] Stone

Description: Stone
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CK: CK

*0 << PN *fatu.2
*1 Cf. CE *poo-fatu.
*8 Tahitian and Ra'ivavae show systematic replacement of expected *hatu by *ha'i

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Mangaia Koʔatu Stone (Chn)
Mangaia Kooʔatu Stone (Bse)
New Zealand Maori Koo(w)hatu Stone. General term, except in eastern dialects which retain poo(w)hatu (Bgs)
Raʔivavae ʔOohaʔi Stone, rock Phonologically Irregular (Stn)
Tahitian ʔOofaʔi Pierre Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
West Uvea Koofatu Pierre dure, brun clair Problematic (Hmn)

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