Protoform: KOO-UTU [CE] Promontory, headland, cape

Description: Promontory, headland, cape
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian

*0 << PN *qutu.2
*1 Cf. PPN *qutu(a) "land projecting seawards". *utua "land exposed at low tide" (Rby. 1980). "Rock, reef or sea-floor exposed at low tide; promontory" (Pollex).

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Mangareva Koutu Avancement de la terre en mer, cap; bout; petit morceau d'étoffe plié en deux (Rch)
Marquesas Koutu (MQN), ʔoutu (MQS) Rochers qui bordent la mer (Lch)
New Zealand Maori Koutu Promontory, point of land etc. (Wms)
Rapa Kooutu Promontory (Grn)
Rarotongan Koutu Headland, cape (Sve)
Rarotongan Kooutu Ceremonial ground where an ariki was invested and held court and where meetings and ceremonies were held (Bse)
Tahitian Outu A promontary [sic] (Dvs)
Tahitian ʔOoutu Pointe de terre [Iles Sous le Vent (Leeward islands) Dialect] (Lmt)
Tuamotu Kooutu Promontory, cape, point (Stn)

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