Protoform: LAU-PATA [PN] Tree sp. (Macaranga sp.) (Ebt)

Description: Tree sp. (Macaranga sp.) (Ebt)
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*0 << PN *lau.1a "leaf", *pata "spotted"
*1 Cf. CE *naupata "Scaevola sp."

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Laupata A tree (Macaranga harveyana) (Mfr)
East Uvea Laupata Nom d'un bananier dont les feuilles servent à préparer le 'umu (Mallotus roxburgensis). (Macaranga harveyana) (Whr) (Btn)
Emae Raupata Tree sp. (Endospermum) (Cpl)
Rapa Raupata A Bush (Chrysogonum rapense) (Sks)
Rennellese Gaupata A tree, (Macaranga tanarius) (Ebt)
Samoan (Lau) (pa)pata Tree sp. (Macaranga harveyana) (Whr)
Samoan Laupata The name of a tree (Mallotus roxburghianus) (Prt)
Sikaiana Laupata A tree species (macaranga?) used for some woodworking and firewood (Dnr)
Takuu Laupata, loupata, raupata Tree sp. (Macaranga ? dioica) (Mle)
Tongan Loupata Tree sp. (Macaranga harveyana) (Whr)

10 entries found

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