Protoform: MITA [NP] Proud; to boast

Description: Proud; to boast
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to NP: Nuclear Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
New Zealand Maori Mita The characteristic sound or lilt of a voice Problematic (Bgs)
Pukapuka Waka/mita/mita Intrude, act foolishly, try to be funny during serious business. Show off (Sby). (Bge)
Samoan Mita/ʔi Boast (of), show off (Mnr)
Samoan Mi/mita Proud, conceited (Mnr)
Tahitian Mita/mita To murmur or scold to oneself Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)
Tokelau Mi/mita/ Pride (Sma)
Tuamotu Mita Make a kissing, clicking sound with the lips Uncertain Semantic Connection (Stn)

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