Protoform: POHE [CE] Dying (of person, flame); failing (eyesight): *po(f,s)e

Description: Dying (of person, flame); failing (eyesight): *po(f,s)e
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Easter Island Pohe vai Thirst Problematic (Wbr)
Mangareva Poʔe/poʔe Cligner des yeux par faiblesse, par maladie; avoir les yeux enfoncé par suite de maladie Uncertain Semantic Connection (Rch)
Mangareva Mata/poʔe/poʔe Yeux maladifs (Rch)
Marquesas Pohe (MQS) Treizième et dernière lune de l'année Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dln)
New Zealand Maori Pohe Dead, death; blind; withered; stupid, dull (Wms)
Rarotongan Poʔe Dwindle, die down (of flame, light); screwed up (of eyes), dazzled (Bse)
Samoan Pose To die (used jocularly). From Tahitian Borrowed (Prt)
Tahitian Pohe Mort, mourir; éprouver la maladie, la faim, le sommeil, un besoin naturel, de la frayeur (Lmt)
Tuamotu Pohe Die (Stn)
Tupuaki Pohe Die (Atn)

10 entries found

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