Protoform: POI.A [PN] Sudden movement: flinch, start, jump, blink
Description: | Sudden movement: flinch, start, jump, blink |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian |
Notes: |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Easter Island | Po/poʔi | Unlucky or ill-omened place where several persons have died in a short space of time, e.g. a whole family, a place which must be avoided because it exercises an evil influence which causes the death of those who live there Problematic | (Fts) |
Moriori | Poi | Leap, jump | (Shd) |
Rennellese | Poi | Grasshopper sp | (Ebt) |
Samoan | Poi | Flinch, shrink from | (Mnr) |
Tongan | (Po)poi | Flinch, draw back so as to avoid a blow. Remuer, pencher d'un côté (Btn). | (Cwd) |
Tuvalu | Poi | Start in surprise ; be startled, surprised | (Rby) |
West Futuna | Poi/poi | To flicker, squint. Blink [Aniwa Dialect] (Cpl). Cligner des yeux (Rve). | (Dty) |
West Futuna | Poi/poi (ANI) | To blink | (Cpl) |
West Futuna | H/poi | To wink | (Dty) |
9 entries found
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