Protoform: QANA-I-LAA-NEI [NP] Earlier today, not long ago

Description: Earlier today, not long ago
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to NP: Nuclear Polynesian

*0 << PN *qana-. "prefix of past time", *laqaa "sun,day", *nei "this, here, now"
*1 Cf. NP *qaa-i-laa-nei, *qana-nei

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Nailanei Tout à l'heure (passé); aujourd'hui (déjà passé) (Mfr)
Easter Island Aŋanirá Today Phonologically Irregular (Fts)
New Zealand Maori Inaaianei Just now, today (properly of time past only) (Wms)
Nukuoro Anailaa (nei) Today (in the past) (Crl)
Tahitian Inauanei Tout à l'heure (passé) (Lmt)
Vaeakau-Taumako Nailane Today (Hvn)
West Uvea Anaila (passé) Tantôt, tout à l'heure, récemment (Hmn)

7 entries found

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