Protoform: SOKA.2 [MP] Some part of the bracing timber of a house roof

Description: Some part of the bracing timber of a house roof
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to MP: Malayo-Polynesian

*0 >> PN *soka-i "brace, stay; to brace or stay"
*1 Cf. PN *hoka.1 "rafter"
*4 POC *soka(r) "thwart; bracing timber, crossbeam" (LPO I:56,187)
*5 PMP *se9kar "cross-seat in boat, thwart" (Blust 1972b)

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Soka Une solive de traverse dans une maison (Gzl)
Luangiua Ho/hoʔa Main beam parallel to boom connecting to outrigger Problematic (Smd)
Nuguria No/haka Rafters (Ray)
Penrhyn Soka-hia Pointed stake or peg of *ngangie* wood used for fastening the ridge sheets (Sta)
Pukapuka Yoka A brace or supporting beam; strut of house framework (Mta)
Samoan Soʔa Collar-beam (Prt)
West Futuna Soka Some kind of bracing-timber in a house (Dty)

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