Protoform: ULUGA [EC] Pair, couple

Description: Pair, couple
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to EC: Ellicean

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Luangiua Ulu kaaƋaka Die beiden Gatten [married couple] Problematic (Sar)
Nukuoro Ulungaa iga (mamu) A pair of copulating fish (or turtles, or whales, or stingrays) (Crl)
Samoan Uluga A couple, a man and his wife; a couple of birds or fishes (Prt)
Tokelau Ulugaa- Prefix meaning (i) a mating pair (e.g. turtles); (ii) a pair of (e.g. women) (Sma)
Tuvalu Ulugaa- Prefix used to denote married couple (Rby)

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