Easter Island entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
EP.PORO.2 | Poro/poro | Blunt, due to many indentations | (Fts) |
EP.KORE-GA | Koreŋa | Carestía; lackness, scarcity | (Fts) |
EP.NOU.2 | Nou-nou | Greedy | (Wbr) |
EP.TAFU.B | Tahu-tahu | Magic, witchcraft, sorcery; sorcerer, witch | (Wbr) |
PN.QAI.1 | (A)b/(a)ái | Conceder, dar, donar, entregar, obsequiar, prestar, regalar. To concede, deliver, to gift, give, grant, lend, present | (Fts) |
XE.KOREWA | Ko(o)reva | Filefishes (Aluterus, Cantherhines, Thamnaconus spp.) | (Rce) |
PN.KAI-GA.B | Kaiŋa toa | Waste from the sugar cane given to animals as food | (Fts) |
NP.KAI-GA.A | Kaiŋa | Food, nourishment, nutrition | (Fts) |
PN.KITE-A | Tikeʔa | To see. See, contemplate, find (Wbr). Phonologically Irregular | (Kvt) |
PN.KITE-A | Takeʔa | See (discovering) Phonologically Irregular | (Wbr) |
PN.MA-RAMA.C | Marama/rama | Clever | (Wbr) |
PN.MATA-MATA | Matamata ika | Hail (n) | (Fts) |
XE.OKA | ʔOka | Digging-stick (Bck); lever, stick; to plant | (Fts) |
EP.OMA.3 | Oma/oma | Demacrado; enflaquecido; flaco. Disfleshed; lean; meagre. | (Fts) |
XE.RAU-QOHO | (Rau)oho | Cabello, pelo | (Egt) |
PN.OFO.C | Oho | To attend; get away, go (away)... | (Fts) |
PN.WOKE | Uoke | A supernatural being who traditionally traveled about the Pacific, destroying islands with a gigantic lever; he is said to have broken his lever at Easter Island and thus been unable to destroy it (Egt 1970:182) | (Fts) |
NP.SUE.2 | Hue | Amontonar; dejar varias cosas juntas. To accumulate, heap, leave several things together | (Fts) |
PN.GAOFE | ŋaoho | Name of the bush Caesalpinia bonduc... | (Fts) |
EP.GORO | ŋo/ŋoro | Banquete, festejo, festival | (Fts) |
XE.HIRI.2 | Hiri/toke | Pavimento delante de las cases (antig.). Pavement in front of the old houses. | (Fts) |
EP.KEWA.2 | Haka/keba | To aim with a weapon, closing one eye | (Fts) |
MQ.KOEKOE | Kokoʔe/pó | Olvidadízo. Forgetful. | (Fts) |
EP.MAMAIA | Mamaía | Equivocar, equivocarse, errar. To err, make a mistake. | (Fts) |
XE.KOROTEA | Korotea | Banana variety | (Fts) |
EP.MAALOO.C | Maroa | Brazada. Distance between two stretched arms. Phonologically Irregular | (Fts) |
CE.POOTIKI.A | Poki | Cria, criatura, feto, hijo, nene, niño. Baby, child, infant, creature; foetus; offspring; son. Problematic | (Fts) |
XE.POQO-POQO | Poʔopoʔo | Fish spp.: Deepwater Jack (Carangoides equula), Thicklipped Jack (Pseudocaranx cheilio) | (Rce) |
NP.PA-LEMO | Poremo | Borrar; borrarse una señal. To erase, become erased. Problematic | (Fts) |
XE.PUA.2 | Pua | Plant (Curcuma longa)... | (Fts) |
EP.PUUKAO | Pukao | Moño. Chignon. [topknot] | (Fts) |
PN.RAQA-KAU.A | Raakau | Arbusto euforbiáceo, de cuya semilla se extrae el aceite de ricino. Castor-oil plant. | (Fts) |
CE.RAAKAU.2 | Raʔau | Medicine Borrowed | (Fts) |
PN.TAMA.1B | Tama | Retoño o vástago de la caña de azúcar. Sugar cane shoot or sprout. | (Fts) |
EP.TORE | Tore-tore | Streaky, striped; (of food) not fully cooked | (Fts) |
XE.TUPU.E | Tupu | Estar embarazada. To be pregnant. | (Fts) |
MQ.HURU-MANU | Uru-manu | Los que no pertenecen a la tribu real de los miru, por no ser descendientes del hijo primogenito de Hotu Matu'a Phonologically Irregular | (Fts) |
PN.AQU | Aʔu | Los dolores que preceden al parto; asistir a una mujer en el parto. Pains preceding labour; assist a woman in childbirth. Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Fts) |
OC.TIKA.A | Tika | Dirección, huella, rastro; señal para orientarse; (fig.) hombre joven. Direction; footprint, track; mark used for orienting; (fig.) young man. Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Fts) |
EC.TAA.4A | Tá | Hacer la tejedura de la red | (Egt) |
CE.AA.3 | A te tapa | Hacia el lado, al lado | (Egt) |
PN.AI.2 | Aii/ŋa | Estada, existencia | (Egt) |
CP.TUKU.A | Tuku | To fish with a net | (Fts) |
CP.TUKU.A | Tuku/tuku | To fish with a conical net. Pescar nadando con una red que tiene forma de canasta o embudo (Egt). | (Fts) |
PN.TUKU.C | Tuku | Let go, deliver, give | (Fts) |
EP.MEQA.C | Meʔe/rahi | Much, many | (Fts) |
EP.MEQA.C | Meʔe hanohano | Son asquerosas [are disgusting] | (Egt) |
PN.GAHE-GAHE | ŋaʔeŋaʔe | Tired, weary (from old age, illness, heat, overweight, laziness) Phonologically Irregular | (Wbr) |
PN.GAHE-GAHE | ŋaeŋae | Cansarse. To get exhausted, get tired. | (Fts) |
PN.POO.1B | Poo | Parece que antiguamente significaba también un día entero...po tahi, un día... | (Egt) |
1657 entries found