Protoform: AQU [PN] Come, reach, arrive

Description: Come, reach, arrive
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*1 Cf. *saqu.1 "come, singular subj."

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Anuta Ou To come (Fbg)
East Futuna ʔAu Arriver, venir, parvenir (Mfr)
East Uvea Aʔu Parvenir à, arriver (Rch)
Easter Island Aʔu Los dolores que preceden al parto; asistir a una mujer en el parto. Pains preceding labour; assist a woman in childbirth. Uncertain Semantic Connection (Fts)
Niue Au/a Arrive opportunely, to happen upon (McE)
Nuguria Au Come (from) (Dvl)
Rennellese Aʔu Come (singular) (Ebt)
Samoan Au To reach to (Prt)
Takuu Au Come (singular); (of a spirit) come to a person and cause him/her to be possessed (Mle)
Takuu K/au (adult to child) Come! Come here! (Mle)
Tikopia Au Come, enter (Fth)
Tokelau Au Reach, get at, have a good range; be matured at birth, be born at full term (Sma)
Tongan Aʔu To arrive; to reach or extend to (Cwd)
Tuvalu V/au.. H/au (Rby). To come (sg.) (Jsn)

14 entries found

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