New Zealand Maori entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CE.PERE.2 Pere/pere Clear off weeds etc. (Wms)
CE.PERE.2 Maa/pere Project, throw (Wms)
CE.PERE.2 Koo/pere/ Throw violently, sling; sling, dart (Wms)
TA.PERE.3 Pere Dart (Wms)
CE.PERERAU Parirau Wing (Wms)
OC.PELU.A Peru A band or ornament worn around the neck Problematic (Wms)
PN.PENA.1B Pena(pena) Take care of, tend, husband, preserve knowledge (Wms)
OC.PENU.A Penu Smear Problematic (Wms)
TA.PENU.B Penu A digging instrument perhaps only used in connection with sweet potato ceremonial purposes (Wms)
TA.PENU.B Penu/penu Mashed (Wms)
OC.PEPE Pepe Flutter, moth (Wms)
OC.PEPE Pee/pepe/ Butterfly, moth (Wms)
CE.PEEHAU Paihau Wing of a bird Phonologically Irregular (Wms)
PN.PEQE-SI.A Peehi-a Press, weigh down (Wms)
CE.PESU Pehu A variety of flax, taro, sweet-potato (Wms)
PN.PEU.1 Peau Turned away, diverted Problematic (Wms)
PN.PEWA Pewa Anything bow-shaped, eyebrow, new moon, perch of a kind of bird-snare; raise the eyebrows (Wms)
CE.PII.1 Pii(pii) Young (of birds), chick (Wms)
MP.PII.2A Piipii Bathe with water, smear with oil (Wms)
CC.PII.2B Pii Flow (of the tide) Problematic (Wms)
MP.PIA.2A Pia Gum or exudation of trees (Wms)
MP.PIA.2A Pia/pia Glairy, viscid (Wms)
MP.PIA.2A Kaa/pia Kauri gum (Wms)
CE.PIERE.1 Piere Fissure Problematic (Wms)
CE.PIIGAO Piingao A shore plant (Scirpus frondosus) whose leaves dry a bright orange Problematic (Bgs)
CK.PIIGOFI Piinohi Tongs, to place something with tongs (Wms)
MQ.PIIKAO Piikau Carry on the back Problematic (Wms)
EP.PIKI.1B Piki Climb tree or mountain, ascend (actually or figuratively) (Bgs)
EP.PIKI.1B Piki/tanga Upwards path, ascent (Bgs)
NP.PIKI-PIKI Piki Frizzled, closely curled, of hair (Wms)
MP.PIKO.A Piko Bent (Wms)
CE.PIKO.B Piko Bend, stoop (Wms)
PN.PILAU Pirau Decayed, pus (Wms)
MP.PILI.1A Piri Adhere to (Wms)
NP.PILI.1B Piri Joined to; be close (Wms)
EP.PIRI Piri/piri A game resembling hide-and-seek (Wms)
EP.PIRI Pere Riddle Problematic (Wms)
CE.PIRI-PIRI Piripiri A creeping burr (Acaena anserifolia); ferns (Haloragis spp.) and (Hymenophylla spp.); (Acanthisita chloris) (Wms)
PN.PILITA Pirita A liane, supplejack (Ripogonum scandens); semi-parasitic plants (Loranthus, Elytranthe spp.); mistletoe (Tupeia antarctica, Ileostylus micranthus (Gdr)) (Wms)
PN.PILO Piro Putrid, stinking; foul smell; offensive matter from a sore (Wms)
CE.PIO Pio Extinguished (Wms)
MP.PIPI.1 Pipi (Chione stutchburyi), (amphidesma australe) (Wms)
EP.PI-PIRI Pipiri First month of year, June-July; twin stars (Wms)
EC.PI-PISA Pipiha Spout (as whale) (Wms)
EP.PISA.* Koo/piha Pit for storing potatoes or taro (Wms)
CE.PIHE Pihe Dirge accompanied by waving the arms in token of grief (Wms)
PN.PISI.2 Ngaa/kihi/ Limpet Phonologically Irregular (Wms)
CE.PIERE.2 Piere Gape, as a wound; fissure, cleft, crack, chink (Wms)
TA.PITI Piti Put side by side, add (Wms)
TA.PITI Aa/piti/ To add something, supplement (Bgs)

3397 entries found