Protoform: PILI.1A [MP] Adhere, stick to; sticky

Description: Adhere, stick to; sticky
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to MP: Malayo-Polynesian

*0 >> PN *pili-pili "octopus", CE *taa-piri "join, stick together", *piri-piri "burr"
*1 Cf. PN *pili.2 "gecko"
*4 PEO *pilit "stick together" (Gty. 1983).
*5 PMP *pilit "paste, stick to" (ACD).

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Uvea Pili Adherent (Rch)
Easter Island Haka pi/piri Glue (vt) (Wbr)
Emae Piri Stuck (Cpl)
Hawaiian Pili Adhere to (Pki)
Ifira-Mele P/piri Adhere to (Clk)
Luangiua Pili Sticky, clinging (Smd)
Mangareva Piiri Stick, adhere. Etre collé (se dit de six orteils dont deux sont collés à l'enfourchure) (Rch)
Mangareva Pi/piri Etre bien collé (Rch)
Mangareva Piri/piri Tacher, salir (ne se dit que des taches sur le linge qui proviennent du pus) (Rch)
Manihiki-Rakahanga Piri Stuck together (Bck)
Marquesas Pi/piʔi Adhere to. Crochu, collant; attaché, joindre (Lch). Collant, poisseux; sticky (Atl). (Dln)
Marquesas Piʔi (MQS) S'accoler, s'attacher (Lch)
Moriori Piri Adhere (Shd)
New Zealand Maori Piri Adhere to (Wms)
Niue Pili Resin, glue; to glue together (Sph)
Nuguria P/piri Adhere, be stuck (Dvl)
Nukuoro Bili/bili Caught up as a falling tree (Crl)
Penrhyn Piri Adhere to (Sta)
Penrhyn Piri/piri Snail sp. living on reef near shoreline (Nerita sp.) (Sta)
Rennellese Pigi Stick (Ebt)
Rotuman Piri Cling to, adhere (Cwd)
Samoan Pili/a Entangled, to be (of falling tree) (Prt)
Sikaiana P/pili To be stuck, to adhere; (of soup) to be thick (Dnr)
Tahitian Piri Collé, collant (Lmt)
Takuu P/piri Sticky, tacky; (of cooked swamp taro, etc.); stick to, adhere to; (of a pen) write (Mle)
Tuamotu Piri Adhere to (Stn)
Tuvalu Pili Entangled (in tree) (Rby)
Vaeakau-Taumako Phili Stick to (Hvn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Hua/pili/hia Join together, glue together; close by gluing together; smear glue on (Hvn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Phili/hia Be sticky (Hvn)
West Futuna X/piri (WFU), piri (ANI) To cling. Stick, adhere (Cpl)

31 entries found

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