New Zealand Maori entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.PALAGI Paraki A freshwater fish, (Retropinna retropinna) when adult (Best 1929:177) (Wms)
CE.PARAGIA Parangia Overcome with (sic) sleep (Wms)
PN.PALALAA Pararaa Roar (of sea), v (Wms)
CE.PAA-RARA Paarara Bask in the sun (Bgs)
MP.PALALAFA Pararaha A shallow vessel made by cutting a slice from a gourd (Wms)
EP.PA-RARE Pararee Speak loudly, bawl (Wms)
TA.PARARII Parari Gully, ravine Problematic (Wms)
EP.PARAAOA Paraaoa Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus); short flat weapon made of whale bone (Wms)
PN.PALA-PALA Parapara Filth, excrement, spittle (Wms)
CE.PARA-SEKA Paraheka A white deposit beneath the prepuce (Wms)
CE.PARATA Parata Mythical sea monster (Wms)
PN.PALA-TAO Pare-tao Ferns (Asplenium obtusatum, A.lucidum) (Wms)
PN.PALAU Parau False, dissembling (Wms)
PN.PALAU Para/parau/ Making vain pretensions, speaking falsely (Wms)
PN.PALE.1A Pare Ward off; protection (Wms)
PN.PALE.2 Pare Band for the hair, fillet, wreath; ornament for the head; crest, topknot (Wms)
NP.PA-LEMO Paremo Drowned; disappeared (Wms)
NP.LEMO.2 Pa/remo, paa/remo/remo Slip, slippery (Wms)
NP.PALE-TAI Pare-tai Washboard of a canoe (Wms)
FJ.PALI.1A Pari Cliff (Wms)
TA.PARI.2 Pari Be full (of tide); tai pari, full tide. Flowing (of the tide only); flow over (of the tide). (Wms)
CE.PARIRI Pariri Shoot of a plant; shoot up, grow (Wms)
CE.PARORO Pa(a)roro Threatening clouds, bad weather, storm (Wms)
PN.PALU.1 Paru/u An unidentified fish (Wms)
AN.PALU.2 Paru Crush (Wms)
AN.PALU.2 Paruparu Crushed, smashed, fermented cockles (Wms)
CE.PARU.1 Paru Intestines of crayfish or shellfish (Wms)
CE.PAA-RURU Paaruru Wind screen, shield (Wms)
AN.PANA.1A Pana Spring (as of a trap), fillip (Wms)
CE.PANA.1B Pana Throb (Wms)
CE.PANAU Panau Jump (of fish) (Wms)
PN.PANE.A Pane Head (Wms)
OC.PANI.1 Pani Paint, smear (Wms)
CE.PANI.2 Pani Block up (Wms)
PN.PANI.3 Pani Persons bereaved; generally orphan, sometimes widow Problematic (Wms)
NP.PANOKO Panoko Sandperch (Cheimarrichthys forsteri) (Wms)
PN.PAO.1 Pao-a Strike (as with a hammer) (Wms)
MP.PAPA.1A Papa Board (Wms)
PN.PAPA.1B Papa Anything broad, flat and hard; flat rock, slab (Wms)
SO.PAPA.2 Paa/papa Small fish sp., like maomao Problematic (Wms)
NP.PAPA.3 Papa Box, chest (Wms)
CE.PAA-PAKA.* Paapaka Crab (Wms)
NP.PAA-PAKU Paapaku Shallow (Wms)
CE.PAPA-ARIGA Paapaaringa Cheek (Wms)
TA.PAPI Pape Be wrong; make an error or slip in repeating a text > (Wms)
TA.PA-PII Papii Ooze, leak (Wms)
TA.PAAPUA. Paapua Well-grown, with spreading branches (Wms)
CE.PAA-SAKA Paahaka Calabash of medium size (Wms)
CE.PAA-SAKA Kaahaka Calabash of medium size Phonologically Irregular (Wms)
PN.PA-SEKE Paheke Slip, slide (Wms)

3409 entries found