Reconstruction Level: CE - Central-Eastern Polynesian
Reconstruction | Description |
KAAPUA | Shaft of spear, handle |
KAA-TARA | Sharp, thorny, prickly |
KATAMU | Make noise with lips, mutter |
KAA-TASI | Then, just now, for the first time |
KATAU.* | Right (not left) |
KATI-REHE | Throat, gullet |
KATOTO | A shrub |
KAUFAU | An ordered list or recitation |
KAU-RIMA | Fireplough |
KAU-MOANA | Sailor, mariner |
KAU-NATI.* | Fire-bed used with fire-plough to produce fire by friction |
KAUTUKU.* | Bird sp., probably a heron |
KAWA-PUSI.* | A fragrant plant |
KAWEKA | Bird sp. (Sterna sp.) |
KEGO | Pitch dark |
KEEKEE | Armpit |
KEKO | Squint |
KETO. | Rotten |
KIRI-A-TAI | Surface of the sea |
KIMO.* | Wink |
KINA-KINA.* | Amnion |
KIISAI | Negative, did not |
KIWA.2A | A fern (Asplenium) |
KIWA.2B | Frigate bird |
KOO-.3 | Like, similar |
KOO.3 | ?? |
KOAMA.* | Young Goatfish (Mulloidycthys) |
KOATA | A small gap or point |
KOOFAA | Wide open, gaping |
KOO-FAGA.* | Nest |
KOOFAI | Pod-bearing plant (Sesbania spp.?) |
KOOFAO | Swollen, dropsical |
KOFE-KOFE | Plant sp. |
KOO-FITI.1 | Pluck out |
KOO-FITI.2 | Crab sp |
KOO-FORE | Peel, strip off |
KOO-FUFU | A tree or shrub |
KOO-FURE | Expose by turning inside out |
KOHI | Chatter, talk nonsense: *koh(i,e) |
KOI.2*. | Sharp |
KOI.4 | Lest |
KOI.5 | Quick |
KOISAGA.* | Thigh |
KOKE | Thrust with sharp object |
KOO-KIRI | Meteor |
KOKO.2 | Whirl, swirl |
KOOKOO.2B | Hole |
KOOKOPU | A small freshwater fish |
KOO-RAPA. | To flash, as lightning |
621 entries found