Protoform: RAFIRAFI [CE] Temple, of head: *rafi-rafi(-ga)

Description: Temple, of head: *rafi-rafi(-ga)
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian

*1 Cf. NP *lafi.1 "thin"

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Mangareva Raʔiraʔiga Tempes (Rch)
New Zealand Maori Rahirahinga Temple, of head (Wms)
Pukapuka Lawilawinga Temple of head Problematic (Bge)
Rarotongan Rairai The temples (Sve)
Rarotongan Reirei The temples (Sve)
Rarotongan Raʔiraʔi Forehead, temple (Aitutaki dialect) (Bse)
Tahitian Rahirahia The temples (Dvs)
Tuamotu Rahirahiŋa Temple of the forehead (Stn)

8 entries found

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