Protoform: REREIOGA [CE] Fish sp

Description: Fish sp
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Hawaiian Leleiona Shark-sucker, remora (Echineidae spp.); fidgety, foolish, restless (Pki)
Mangareva Rereioga Sentir une impression de vide dans l'estomac ou dans les entrailles causée par la faim Problematic (Rch)
Mangareva Rereiʔutu Poisson, inconnu de nos jours Problematic (Rch)
Penrhyn Reireiono Banded trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus) (Sta)
Pukapuka Leileionge Fish sp., Caranx helvolus (Uraspis helvola) Problematic (Bge)
Tahitian Reioa The stern of a large native canoe Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)
Tahitian Rereioa A dream, the wandering of the mind during sleep; to dream Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)
Tahitian Rerei To waste away through sickness; to be lank and thin, as a sick person Problematic (Lmt)
Tahitian Rerei Third draught of fishes in a new net Problematic (Lmt)
Tuamotu Rereiooŋa Fish sp. (Gnathanodon speciosus) (Stn)

10 entries found

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