Reconstruction Level: EP - East Polynesian

Reconstruction Description
ANA.2 If and/or when
AA-NUANUA.* Rainbow
AO.4 World
AA-POOPOO Tomorrow: *a(a)-poo(poo)
ATUA A night of the lunar cycle
AWE.B Tail of comet
QEO To have a bad smell, odour
QETE.* Disgusted by, disgusting
QEWE Placenta, afterbirth
FAAITO Measure, weigh
FAKA-PEKE Fold or contract body
FAATUQA Belt, girdle
FIRO.3 Whirl, swirl; writhe
FIRO.2 One of the first nights of the lunar cycle
FINA.2 (Great)-great-grandchild (Clk): *(f, s)ina-rere
FINA-RERE Great-grandchild: *(f,s)ina-rere
FUA.3C A night of the waxing moon
FUNAOGA.* Child-in-law
GA-FAQA.* Burst, break, split open
GATU.2 Bulrush (Scirpus sp.): *ga(a)tu
GEE Squealing or screeching sound
HIWA.2 Distant place
HUGA Subordinate person
KAA-FUI.* Bunch (of fruit etc.) (Clk): *kaa-fui
KAO.1 New shoot; to sprout
KATO.2 Pick, pluck, cut off (leaves or flowers)
KAA-WIRI Twist together (as leaves, hair), intertwine
KEHO.2 A kind of stone (Clk): *ke(f,s)o
KELE.C Dark, black: *kele(-kele)
KERE-TUU A kind of stone
KEWA.2 Impaired vision
KII.1 Say, speak
KIKI.2 Stiff
KIMI.* Seek
KOQILO Conger eel
KOKI Be lame, to limp
KOO-KILI Triggerfish
KOKOMA Internal organ
KOO-KURU. Soapberry (Sapindus saponaria)
KORE Negative: without, lacking
KORE-KORE A series of nights of the lunar cycle
KORO.3 Father, old man
KOROUA Old, decrepit; old man
KOMARI Genitals
KOTI.2 A fish
KOO-QURA.* Crayfish

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