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660 Results matching "aku" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Luangiua MP.TALIE.1 Kalie hakua Sea Almond (Terminalia catappa)
Nukumanu PN.TUUGAKI Tuunaki Smoke signal from Nukutoa Island to mourners at Vaihare on Takuu Island that some calamity has occurred, requiring their immediate attention
Takuu FJ.UTUA Utua A tidal flat between the islands and in the lagoon offshore from Nukutoa, partially uncovered by low tide; Te Utua is also a location on Takuu Island
Takuu CP.FUSI.1 Vusi Cultivated area on Takuu Island Phonologically Irregular
Luangiua NP.TAPATUU.* Kapaku Fish sp. (long thin garfish, fins grey except top and gill fins which are dull yellow)
Luangiua RO.MATU Maku Small, all-silver fish sp. (lagoon, shallow sandy shore)
Marquesas CE.GATU.3 Naku Ecraser avec la main; pincer; tamiser, clarifier, extraire le jus des plantes; douleur vive Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island EP.UKU-I Akui Ungir; untar. To anoint, to consecrate with oil; to oil, to smear something with oil.
Luangiua AN.MATUQA.C Hai/makua Elementary family
Luangiua EC.KALISI.2 Haku a lili Sinkers for nets Phonologically Irregular
Luangiua MP.PAKU.B Paku Burn yourself Phonologically Irregular
Luangiua MP.QATUA A/akua God
Luangiua NP.NEKE.1A Eŋe aku Move along! Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea PN.HAKU Aku Garfish (Belone vulgaris)
Luangiua PN.QULU-TUKI Helakuʔi Honeycomb Rock Cod Phonologically Irregular
West Futuna MP.PAKU.B Pax/paku Scorched by sun or fire (of fruit)
West Futuna PN.TUKUKU Takuku/ru mani Fish sp.
West Futuna PN.WAAKULE Vakuri-a To open (e.g. a book) Problematic
Rennellese PN.SAA-KILI.1 Saakuni To unwrap, open, as a parcel; to pull up, as sleeves; to clear away, as brush Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria PN.HAKU Aku Needlefish
Nuguria MP.SAKU-LAA Hakuraa Fish sp., sailfish
Nuguria AN.MATAKU Ha/mataku Big; dark (of colours); thick (of branch, arm, etc.); to be better than (someone) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nuguria AN.MATAKU Ha/mataku-ria Frighten, scare
West Uvea PN.LAKU.1 Laku-na Jeter, lancer; enlever (vetements); peler (p.ex. banane); dépouiller (roussette)
Nuguria AN.MATAKU Mataku Fear, fright; be afraid, frightened
West Uvea AN.MAKUPUNA Makupuna Petit-enfant (fils/fille)
Nuguria PN.PAKUU.A Pakuu Noise, sound; bang something to make noise; hit, strike against; land ashore (a boat)
Nuguria MP.PAKU.B P/paku Burnt, brown and dried out from overcooking
Nuguria AN.RAKU Raku/raku Scratch with claws
Nuguria AN.RAKU R/raku Scratch with a nail
Nuguria MP.TAKUU Takuu Axe (for making canoes)
Nuguria AN.TOKI Toki/toki Axe (similar to takuu, but smaller)
Nuguria SO.VILIVILI Viri aku vae Move fast
Takuu MP.MAHUKU Mouku Inland, central area on Takuu island including men's and women's gardens and bush; kind of fragrant, thin, long-bladed grass; generic term for inland grasses and creepers used as mulch for taro and swamp taro
Niue PN.TUTE.2 Tute Small Long Tom or Pipefish (Tylosurus crocodilus) (edible) -- larger sizes are known as aku paa and aku tagata
Takuu SO.QULU.4 Uru A sexually explicit song designed to distract potentially malevolent spirits while the image of the spirit Pukena was carried from its carving place to the ritual arena on Takuu Island
Luangiua XO.IKA-A-FATU Iahaku Spotted rock cod
Nuguria NO.SIMATA Himata Thousand (Takuu word?)
Takuu XO.KOKO.3 (Ha)kkoo Sago palm (non-indigenous, drifts to Takuu)
Niue NP.PAA-PAKU Pakupaku Dry, shallow, low (of tide) Problematic
Niue PN.PAKUU.A Pakuu/lagi Thunder
Easter Island NP.PAA-PAKU Tai papaku Low tide
Nukumanu AN.MATAKU Mataku (pl. mattaku) Fear
Nukumanu PN.TAKU.1 Taku/taku (pass. takutaku ria) Preach
Nukumanu MP.TAKUU Takuu Axe
Nukumanu SO.PAKUU.B Pakuu Strike against
Nukumanu PN.PAKUU.A Pa/paku Knock (at door)
Nukumanu PN.PAKUU.A P/paku Beat against
Nukumanu PN.PAKUU.A Paku Crash down
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.MAA-KUU Maakuu Wet