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61248 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Manihiki-Rakahanga TA.TA-KAWE Takave Neck ornament of coconut leaf and pandanus. Necktie (Sve).
New Zealand Maori TA.TA-KAWE Taakawe Carry anything slung over the shoulder
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.TAU-QI Taui Change (vt)
Manihiki-Rakahanga TA.UUTEE Utee To sing
Rarotongan TA.UUTEE ʔUutee A song with marked four-beat rhythm, often with narrative or love interest, or composed to commemorate some event; to sing an *'uutee*.
Tahitian TA.UUTEE ʔUutee L'une des formes traditionelles du chant; chanter et danser l'*'uutee*.
Marquesas CE.VAI Vai Rester, exister; stay, remain, exist
Easter Island PN.AI.2 Aii/ŋa Estada, existencia
Rarotongan CE.VAI Vai/ranga Place where something is kept, container, receptacle
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.VAI Vairanga kaveinga Navigation stars
Mangaia CE.VAI Vai Be, exist, stay, remain
Mangaia CE.VAI Vai/ranga Place of existence, place, stand
Tahitian CE.VAI Vai To be; to remain or abide
Tahitian CE.VAI Vai/raʔa Place d'une chose, récipient, contenant
Tuamotu CE.VAI Vai To be, exist; to be permanent, in position; to remain, continue
Tuamotu CE.VAI Vai/haŋa A location, resting place; a place where anything is
Tuamotu CE.VAI Vai/raŋa A depository, repository; a place where anything is put or deposited
Manihiki-Rakahanga AN.QUNAFI Unahi/a To scale
Manihiki-Rakahanga NP.WELO.2 Vero, velo Stern piece of canoe
Tokelau NP.WAELO Velo (Of a spiny lobster) feeler, antenna
Samoan NP.WELO.2 Velo Afterdeck of a bonito-canoe
Tokelau NP.WELO.2 Velo Decoratively carved projecting portion which strengthens the bow and stern covers of the traditional Tokelau canoe...
Nuguria NP.WELO.2 Velo Carved design on the end of a war canoe
Nuguria NP.WELO.2 Vaka/velo War canoe, racing canoe
Pukapuka PN.KAI-GA.B Kainga Rubbish
Penrhyn PN.KAI-GA.B Kainga Coconut cream wringer, made from the husk of green coconut...
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.KAI-GA.B Kainga Husk of *nimata* [green coconut]; combined wringer and strainer
Moriori CP.TUKU.A Tuku, tchuku Dip (let down)
New Zealand Maori CP.TUKU.A Tuku Subside, settle down; descend; catch in a net
Manihiki-Rakahanga CP.TUKU.A Tuku/nga Fishing ground
Rarotongan CP.TUKU.A Tuku/nga Fishing ground (where net is cast)
Mangaia CP.TUKU.A Tuku Do net-fishing with *naariki* or *kootaataa* net
Tikopia CP.TUKU-TUKU Tukutuku Spider sp.
Tahitian CP.TUKU-TUKU Tuʔu The name of a species of spider
Tahitian CP.TUKU-TUKU Tuutuu A sort of spider
Tahitian CP.TUKU.A Tuu/tuu/tautai The frequent use of the fishing net
Mangareva CP.TUKU.A Tuku Jeter un filet en mer; couler un défunt (forme d'enterrement)
Mangareva CP.TUKU.A Tuku/nga Lieu profond dans le lagon ou on coulait les défunts (cimétière marin)
Hawaiian CP.TUKU.A Kuʔu Type of net let down from a canoe; gill net; to set or lower a net or catch in a net
Easter Island CP.TUKU.A Tuku To fish with a net
Easter Island CP.TUKU.A Tuku/tuku To fish with a conical net. Pescar nadando con una red que tiene forma de canasta o embudo (Egt).
Pukapuka CP.TUKU.A Tuku moana Method of hand-line fishing with a composite fishing apparatus from a stationary canoe outside the reef
Pukapuka CP.TUKU.A Tuku/tuku To pay out a line in fishing
West Futuna CP.TUKU.A Tuk/aina To lift down, pull down
West Futuna CP.TUKU.A Tuku To let down the line during the day
Ifira-Mele CP.TUKU.A Tuku/a Take down/off (something hanging)
Ifira-Mele CP.TUKU.A Tuku/ukina To lower, let down
Vaeakau-Taumako CP.TUKU.A Tuku-a To lower something down; be lowered
Rennellese CP.TUKU.A Tu/tuku To fall or drop from a height, as stones or small fruit...
Takuu CP.TUKU.A Tuku raa Lower a canoe sail