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61303 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Hawaiian CE.REI-GAA Leina Spring, leap, bound; place to leap from
Hawaiian CE.REI-GAA Leina-a-ke-akua Place where the spirits leaped into the nether world
Mangaia CE.REI-GAA Reinga A jumping off place for bathers. (A word used on Atiu)
Mangareva CE.REI-GAA Re/reeinga kuʔane Place where spirits leap into sea (I)
New Zealand Maori CE.REI-GAA Te Reinga Place name. The point from which dead spirits leaped down to the underworld
Rarotongan CE.REI-GAA Reinga Traces where someone has leaped over; leaping-over place
Tuamotu CE.REI-GAA Reeiŋa Jumping-off place
Samoan SO.PASA.2 Pasa/pasa/ʔi To spread abroad what was secret
Nukuoro SO.PASA.2 Basa/lia Be talked about
Tongan PN.MAA-HINA Maahine/hina To show up white, to present a white appearance
Tokelau PN.MAA-HINA Maaina Light, beam (n); be clear, be distinct
Samoan PN.MAA-HINA Maina To shine, of fire. Shine (on), flash (on) (Mnr).
East Uvea PN.MAA-HINA Maaina Transparent, qui laisse passer la lumière; clair (étoffe); troué, percé
East Futuna PN.MAA-HINA Maaina Briller (phare, lumière), éblouir (intransitif)
New Zealand Maori PN.MAA-HINA Maina Kindle Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori PN.MAA-HINA Maaina/ina Bask Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu CE.MA-INAINA Maina(ina) Angry, indignant, resentful
Ifira-Mele EO.NOO-GIA Kai/nuumwia To ask (a person) for (something) Phonologically Irregular
Tongan MP.QOLOGAA ʔOlongaa A kind of tree with greyish leaves. (Its bark was formerly used for making string.)
Tongan FJ.HOGAHOGA.A Hongohongo A kind of nettle (Urticaceae)
Marquesas NP.ASOGAA Hoka Shrubs or small trees (Pipturus spp.)
Tokelau PN.HOGAHOGA.B Ogo/hia Be hurt, feel pain
Nukumanu PN.HOGAHOGA.B Matai/ona Thorny bush
Luangiua PN.HOGAHOGA.B Mimi/ogo Pain when urinating
Rennellese PN.HOGAHOGA.B Ongoongo To itch
Rarotongan PN.HOGAHOGA.B ʔOngoʔongo Angry and upset, vexed, nettled, stung (with rage); bitter (of feelings)
New Zealand Maori PN.HOGAHOGA.B Ongaonga To tingle, as the ears; repulsion, distaste
New Zealand Maori PN.HOGAHOGA.B Whata/ongaonga Annoy, pain (vt); goad, excite
Tikopia PN.KAKAMIKA Kamika Bush with spiky flower (unidentified), common on edge of cultivation... Uncertain Semantic Connection
Emae FJ.QULAFI Ulafi Large parrotfish Phonologically Irregular
Emae MP.QATULE Ture Mackerel (Rastrelliger)
Ifira-Mele MP.QALOGO Teerogo Surgeonfish sp. (Acanthurus lineatus)
Emae SO.UMU Umu Triggerfish (Balistes spp.)
Tuvalu AN.MASI.1 Masi Biscuit, cabin cracker Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuvalu PN.SEKE.1A Seke To avoid, miss, slip by
Tuvalu PN.SEKE.1A S/seke To ski, surf, slip
Tuvalu PN.MATE-GA Matega Death (the state of being dead, the act of dying)
Tuvalu PN.QUHI.3 Ui/ga Meaning. About, concerning, regarding; personality, character, behaviour(Jsn).
Tuvalu XW.FAI-TALIHA Faitalia No matter what, whatever the circumstances
Tuvalu SO.SAGA.1C Aga Feast for firstborn; general term for feasts given for someone Phonologically Irregular
Tuvalu PN.KIKI.1 Kiki To eat one food with another; to mix foods in the mouth. Protein (may refer to meat, fish or anything else eaten with rice, *pulaka* etc.; to eat protein or other food with rice (Jsn).
Tuvalu PN.KINA.3 Kiina/ga Non-vegetable food contributed by family to communal feast (consists of pork, fish or chicken and forms part of the *fakaluaga*).
Tuvalu PN.RAGI Lagi/lagi Send on frequent errands
Tuvalu PN.RAGI Lagi An agreement as to how much food should be provided for a gathering in *aahiga*.
Tuvalu PN.MAFA-TIA Mafatia (pl. maafatia) To be weighed down, under pressure; depressed, sad (*loto mafatia*)
Tuvalu XW.SAI Sai To be shapely (of waist)
Tuvalu FJ.HIFO.C Ifo Bow down in prayer. To beg, humbly request; to give up, capitulate, surrender (Jsn).
Tuvalu MP.SUKI.A S/sui To sew Borrowed
Tuvalu FJ.TAU-NAMU Tainamu Mosquito net
Tuvalu PN.QISI N/isi (< ne isi) Some, other