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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan PN.OFO.B Ofo To be astonished, to wonder; to salute on meeting; to shout before a fight; the first speech made on presenting food to visitors
Rennellese PN.OFO.B O/oho To call *ooho*, as in welcome...
Mangareva OC.WILI.1A Oo/viri Filer, faire du fil
Mangareva OC.WILI.1A Oo/viri/viri Etre frisé. Crépu, frizzy (Atl).
Mangareva OC.POO.2 Poo Cacher; mettre quelque chose à part pour la dérober à la vue
Mangareva PN.POOKAI Pookai Ancre, pierre qui sert d'ancre Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva PN.PORO.1 Pooro Appeler quelqu'un
Mangareva FJ.PUKU.3 Puku/a Etre sur le point de suffoquer par une obstruction au gosier. Etouffer (par la nourriture); choke (with food) (Atl). Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Uvea PN.LAGI.5 Lagi/aki Chef temporaire, celui qui exerce les fonctions du chef de village pendant son absence; commander, coordonner, ordonner, diriger, prescrire
Samoan PN.LAGI.5 Lagi To call out the different portions of food at a feast, and for whom intended
Mangareva MP.LAI Raʔi/raʔi Poisson: Chorinemus tolooparah, (Carangidae) Phonologically Irregular
Tongan PN.TUSU.B Toohoo The forefinger
New Zealand Maori CK.KOO-ITI Kooiti Little finger or toe; fingers, toes, generally
East Futuna PN.LOOMAKI.* Loomaki Le Déluge
Samoan NP.LOMA.2B Loma To be quiet, to cease, to intermit (as the wind, war, etc); to desist, in the tattooing process; to wait to see who would have the first cup of *'ava*
Tikopia NP.LOMA.2B Roma/roma Flat, calm, smooth (of sea)
Samoan PN.LOLO.1B Lo/lolo Rich (of food). Fat (of pork); to be fat, to be rich (Prt).
Tokelau PN.LOLO.1B Lo/lolo Be fatty, oily; rich (food)
Tikopia PN.LOLO.1B Ro/rooro Creamy, hence soft
New Zealand Maori CE.POU.2 Tuu/pou Bow the head, stoop down; fall or throw oneself headlong; dive; headlong, head first...
Rarotongan CE.POU.2 Tuu/pou Bow, bend down, stoop forward, lower the head
Mangareva CE.POU.2 Tu/poou. Tu/pou (Atl). Se baisser, se courber; se recourber (se dit des calebasses dont l'ouverture est recourbée en bas). Se baisser; stoop, bend down (Atl).
Mangareva OC.GOLO To/gooro Bruit que fait l'eau dans un coco demi-vide que l'on secoue Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva OC.PATA.1A Too/pata Goutte; tomber goutte à goutte
Tahitian CE.TUU-PERE Tupere A shell of the cockle kind....said to be used by the scrape the souls of men for food
Tuamotu EP.SOATA.3 (O) Hoata Third night of the moon (Fakahina, Hao, Morokau)
Hawaiian EP.KORE-KORE Naa ʔOle Nights of the moon (7-10, 21-22) considered unlucky for fishing, planting, or beginning any important activity...
Rennellese NP.QALI.1B ʔAgi/ʔagi Night of the new moon, the first day of the lunar month
Hawaiian EP.MAHARU Moohalu Twelfth day of the month...
Mangareva EP.RAAKAU.1 O/rakau 17th night of the moon (Laval). 18th night (Aud).
Marquesas CE.TAGAROA Takaoa (MQN) A series of three nights of the waning moon (25-27)
Tahitian CE.TAGAROA Taaroa A series of three nights of the waning moon (24-26)
Tahitian CE.ROGO.2 Roo maori 29th night of lunar cycle
Samoan CE.MA-TOFI.B Maatofi To be quartered, as the moon in the last quarter
Tongan CE.MA-TOFI.B Matofi A certain stage of the waning moon
Mangareva CE.PUU.6 Toto puu Sang coagulé; coagulated blood
Tongan AN.KUMI-KUMI Coomoo-coomoo The chin
Tuamotu CE.KAE Kae Saliva, drivel, slaver, drool...
Mangareva CE.KAE Kae ʔaʔa Bave, baver; slaver, dribble, drool
Mangareva PN.TALA-TALA.A Ti/tara te kiri, kiri tara/tara Chair de poule, goose-flesh
Tahitian EP.GORO ʔOoro/ʔa Fête religieuse.
Tuamotu MQ.FIRI-FIRI Hirihiri A small scoop-net for fish
Hawaiian EP.KEWA.2 ʔEwa Crooked, out of shape, imperfect, ill-fitting; incorrect, unjust Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori EP.MAALOO.C Maaroo Fathom, measured with the arms extended
Penrhyn EP.MAALOO.C Maaroo Fathom, arm span
Niue PN.RAQA-KAU.B Akau Wood, timber; weapon
Samoan PN.RAQA-KAU.B Laʔau Wood, timber; firewood (Tutuila); a club; a small axe
Samoan PN.RAQA-KAU.B Laaʔau Wood; apparatus, set; machine, instrument
Tokelau PN.RAQA-KAU.B Laakau Timber, log, stick, wood; set, apparatus; musical instrument; skipjack fishing rod
Nukuoro PN.RAQA-KAU.B Laagau Wood, stick (of wood)