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75 Results matching "langa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Pukapuka PN.TAU-LAGA Taulanga Canoe anchorage; a roosting, resting or dwelling place
Tongan PN.TAU-LAGA Taulanga Harbour, port
Nukuoro PN.TUQU-RAGA Duulanga The place of, the track of something; the sector from which the wind blows
Nukuoro NP.WAANAGA Vaalanga Made up (of story)
Tongan PN.KALAGA Kalanga To shout, speak at the top of one's voice
Niuafo'ou PN.LAGA.2 Laa/langa Weave
Vaeakau-Taumako XO.KUTU.2 Kutu/langa Meeting, group
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FAKA-TUPU.C Huatupu/langa Heap, collection, host
Kapingamarangi SO.TUQU-LAGA.B Duu langa Steps cut into a coconut tree
Tongan PN.ALAGA.A Alanga A haunch; a limb
Tongan PN.KALAGA Calanga To roar out; to shriek; to halloo; s shout
Tongan PN.LAGA.2 Langa. La/langa. To plait mats, to weave. To weave
Tongan CP.LAGA.1A Langa To build, to make
Tongan PN.LAGA.1C Langa To make a pole used to break the ground for planting yams
East Uvea XW.TALA-NOA Talanoa Conversation, parole, causerie, rapport, récit; bruit, nouvelle; langage, langue; causer, converser
Tongan PN.TAU-LAGA Towlanga An anchorage
Tongan XW.LAGA.3 Langa To ache, ro be physically painful
Tongan XW.LAGA.3 Langa/a To be in travail, to have the pains of childbirth
Tongan PN.LAGA.1D Langa/ʔi Raise the question of; provoke, stir up (thoughts or emotions)
East Uvea PN.LAGA.1D Langa/ki Proposer, mettre en avant, soulever, faire naitre
Niue PN.LAGA.1D Langa To rise against; to race, wrestle; to lift...
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.LAGA.1E Langa/hale Horizontal rafters of house
Tongan PN.FUHI.A Lau te/fuhi 100 *langanga* (length of tapa)
Niuafo'ou XW.LAGA.3 Langa/a Pregnant
Niuafo'ou XW.LAGA.3 Langa Pain