Protoform: FUHI.A [PN] Bunch or cluster; tie in a bunch
Description: | Bunch or cluster; tie in a bunch |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian |
Notes: | *0 >> EC *fui.1 "ten, of coconuts", FU *fui.2 "pandanus fruit" |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
East Futuna | Fui | Bunch, cluster, tie in bunch | (Bgs) |
East Futuna | Fui | Botte, paquet attaché avec une corde; grappe, testicules; attacher ensemble | (Mfr) |
East Uvea | Fui | Organe génitale de l'homme, pénis, verge | (Rch) |
Emae | Fui | Bunch (of coconuts, breadfruit) | (Cpl) |
Hawaiian | Hui | Cluster or bunch, as of coconuts, bananas | (Pki) |
Luangiua | Hui | Bunch | (Hbn) |
Mangareva | ʔU/ʔui | Grappe; régime; fruits qu'on attache les uns aux autres pour les emporter | (Jnu) |
Niue | Fuhi | Bundle (n) (us. of sugarcane or taro) | (Sph) |
Nukumanu | Hui | Green coconut | (Fbg) |
Nukuoro | Hui hala | The fruit of the pandanus | (Crl) |
Rapa | ʔAka/ʔui | Sheaf of plants | (MCl) |
Rennellese | Hui | Cluster or bunch, as of baga [Barringtonia], baghu [Pandanus sp.], kala [Pandanus sp.]; string, as of fish; fruit, as of pandanus | (Ebt) |
Rennellese | Hui/hui | To hang, cling [ex. clothes on line] | (Ebt) |
Samoan | Fui | Cluster of nuts | (Prt) |
Sikaiana | Hui | A bunch of coconuts | (Dnr) |
Takuu | Fui | Bunch of coconuts; ten coconuts | (Hwd) |
Takuu | Hui | Bunch (of coconuts or pandanus fruit, while on the tree); cluster of stones on the seabed | (Mle) |
Tikopia | Fui | To tie, fasten, bind on | (Fth) |
Tikopia | Fii | Bundle, bunch, e.g. of coconuts (5 pairs, i.e. 10 coconuts) | (Fth) |
Tokelau | Fui | Bunch, cluster (of coconuts or pandanus); cluster (v), tie (to form a bunch) | (Sma) |
Tongan | Fuhi | Bunch, cluster | (Cwd) |
Tongan | Te/fuhi | Ten score, 200 -- of yams | (Cwd) |
Tongan | Lau te/fuhi | 100 *langanga* (length of tapa) | (Cct) |
Tuvalu | Fui fala | The whole pandanus fruit (as opposed to named sections) | (Rby) |
Vaeakau-Taumako | Hui | Big bunch | (Hvn) |
West Uvea | Fui/fui | Rassemblés, agglomérés en grappes | (Hmn) |
26 entries found
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