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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Niue XW.SUNI.2 Huni Rangoon creeper (Quisqualis indica); also (Ixora odorata), (Phaleria disperma); clustered flower plants (generic)
Niue XW.TAU-SUNI.* Taihun(e,i), toihun(e,i) Coastal shrub spp. (Heliotropium anomalum, Messerschmidia argentea)
Rennellese CP.ALU Agu Next-to-the-last growth stage of the mango vine (Raphidophora sp.)
Luangiua NP.TAU-SINU.* Kausuŋu Small tree
Samoan PN.MAASOAQA Niu maasoaa Sago palm (Metroxylon warburgii)
East Futuna EO.TAU-TAHI Tautai Pêcheur, marin, navigateur, nautonier
East Uvea EO.TAU-TAHI Tautai Marin, navigateur, pilote, pêcheur
Nukuoro EO.TAU-TAHI Daudai Skilled fisherman
Samoan EO.TAU-TAHI Tautai Master fisherman, captain
Tongan EO.TAU-TAHI Toutai Fisherman Phonologically Irregular
Samoan PN.TAUTALA Tautala Reprimand, reproach, speak, discuss
Tokelau PN.TAUTALA Tautala Reproach, reprimand
Manihiki-Rakahanga CK.TAUTARA Tautara Spars to which mast stays were tied
Emae PN.TAWAKE Manu tavake Tropic Bird (Phaeton sp.)
Kapingamarangi PN.TAWA-TAWA Dawadawa Fish sp.: Small tuna
New Zealand Maori PN.TAWA-TAWA Tawatawa Blue Mackerel (Scomber australasicus)
Marquesas PN.TAWA-TAWA Tavatava (Euthynnus affinus). Bonite à dos rayé (Lch). Mackerel Tuna (Atl).
Tahitian CE.TAA-WERE Taavere Remarquer [sc. remorquer]
Tahitian PN.TAA-WILI Taviri To turn or twist, as in rope making; to turn a key, to lock or unlock
Marquesas PN.TE.1 Te Article defini. Article qui marque les noms communs: le, la (Lch).
Tahitian PN.TE.1 Te Article défini (relativement à la grammaire tahitienne); se traduit suivant les cas par: le, la, les, du, des, de la...
Niue CE.TEE.1 Teetee An exclamation Borrowed
Nukuoro EC.TEE.2* Dee. Tee (Crn). Negative aspect marker
Penrhyn CE.TEE.3 Tee Particle marking continuity of action in progress
Mangareva CP.TEA Tea Blond, blanc, de couleur blanche; terne, mat. White, blanched, pale; matt, unpolished, dead, dull (Tgr).
Nuguria CP.TEA Ma/tea White
East Uvea PN.TE-QA-KU Taku Mon, ma
East Futuna PN.TE-QA-KU Laku Adjectif possessif défini singulier 1sg (possession agentive ou éloignée): ma, mon
Marquesas CE.TEA-TEA Teatea, teʔateʔa. Teatea (Atl). Sperme, semence animale; glu, gomme, gluant
New Zealand Maori CE.TEFA.1 Tewha/tewha An axe-like wooden weapon brandished in speech-making
Tahitian CE.TEFA.1 Tefa/tefa Spreading bunches of cock tail feathers attached to the tops of masts, this being the special rigging of the `arioi canoe
Tongan CE.TEFA.1 Tefa Fondling; a loving and caressing manner Problematic
New Zealand Maori OC.TEFE Kauae tehe Woman with tattooed chin
Marquesas OC.TEFE Tehe Châtrer, couper un animal, l'affranchir; hongrer, hongre. Supercirconcire (Lch). Circoncire. Castrer. (Atl).
New Zealand Maori PN.TEGA.2 Maa/tenga/tenga/ Benumbed, cramped; aching; disgusted
Niue TO.TEGI-TEGI Tegitegi A type of fine mat, coloured
New Zealand Maori TA.TEI.1 Kei Present position, at; present continuous pseudo-verbal tense marker Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn TA.TEI.1 Tei Preposed particle marking present position: at
Tahitian TA.TEI.1 Tei (devant une forme nominale) Marque de prédicat, indique la position présente
New Zealand Maori CE.TEINA.* Teina Younger sibling of the same sex [Western Maori Dialect]
Mangareva CE.TEINA.* Teina Frère ou cousin cadet d'une personne du sexe masculin; soeur ou cousine cadette d'une personne du sexe féminin. Younger sister or brother... (Tgr).
Samoan CE.TEINA.* Tei Affectionate term for one's small brother or sister Problematic
Tahitian CE.TEINA.* Teina Jeune frère d'une personne du sexe masculin; jeune soeur d'une personne du sexe féminin
Hawaiian EP.TEKA.2B Keʔa Male animal reserved for breeding, virile male
Nukuoro EP.TEKA.2B Dega/noe Part of the female genitalia Problematic
Ifira-Mele PN.TE-KAU Mi/jikao/ Hundred < *rima-tekau
Takuu FJ.TEKE.2 Teke (obs.) Crossbar on mast of ancient canoe (IH); hole in the deck through which this crossbar passes when the mast is lowered
Easter Island PN.TEKI.2 Teki Descend, get off a boat or vehicle; to rape a woman
East Futuna FJ.TELA Tela Tete de cochon, de poisson, separe de sa machoire inferiore
Tokelau FJ.TELA Tela Forehead of fish or animal